Here’s the email that went to my list last week. It was inspired at the story telling event in Miami – and Shannon came up with the headline for me when I shared it with the group. And, Amy was the facilitator who came to my rescue!
Subject line – Lonely, Lost and Late. Preview line – Can You Relate?
Its late April 2024. I’m wal…Read More
4-email nurture sequence
Here’s the first two emails. Will finish the other two by our meeting on Wednesday!Email 1 Template: Lead Magnet + Quick Intro
Subject Lines:FNAME, here is your resource, Visual Charisma for Coaches.
Preview: [visual Charisma]
Note: Send immediately upon resource opt-inHello there, FNAME!…Read More
We can’t wait to see how your messaging has been working. Feel free to share links to your newsletter or social so we can celebrate with you. This content doesn’t just have to live in your nurture sequence. We will review anyone who needs their work reviewed on Wed and work in groups. If you missed last Wednesday’s session, please watch before…Read More
I’d love feed back on my last email to my list. The subject line was Understanding can CHANGE pet behavior. Here is the link: https://www.blairhope.com/so/6eOz5bi-e?languageTag=en
Will you invite friends to the May 22 email marketing workshop? Here is something you can use:
I have been working on my email marketing strategy and would love for you to join me with my email marketing mentors, Shannon and Amy, on May 22nd. They will be mapping out the 4 steps of your organic Joy Fueled™ Marketing Plan. This plan has helped…Read More
Hello new fellow joyful marketing biz friends! I’m Christine, and I’m excited to be a part of this community! I’ve wanted to be here for a while, and the stars finally aligned for me to jump in and learn the ways of these fabulous humans! I can’t wait to meet all of you!
ChristineDainard changed their profile picture
Hello, new joyful friends!
I’ve been looking for a group that can help me do the right things in the right way, plus being joyful and real, and CPC seems to cover it all. I’m looking forward to being helped and do my best to help others.
I’ve been operating in the management consulting, coaching, and community-building space for many years…Read More
1 Comment-
@samirselmanovicnycgmail-com – wohoo! So glad you are here and feeling GREAT about it too. <3
I sent out my email from this month’s content theme and have a 72% open rate but only 2% click rate. My content personality is video but I wonder if my email list wants to watch video?? I did a 1 min video intro and then had all the content written. I’d love feedback/thoughts if anyone has time. Here is the link:…Read More
Hi Blair,
I loved the content of your email. It was very to the point and informative. What I was missing was being told to click on your video. If this is the first video you have sent out to your audience they may not know or be used to clicking on it for a quick message. Something along the lines of “click here to see why there are no bad…Read More
Hey Video Content friends – has anyone played with Bonjoro, Video Ask, or Dubb as a way of connecting with prospects? I want to, and curious for any experience or suggestions you have for getting started.
I’m tech savvy, so no worries on that score. I watched a few YouTube videos but they’re very ‘how-to’ oriented and I’m looking for more…Read More
@sandrasandrahalling-com hello! Did you do some testing? What did you find?
Title: Leadership Expedition Assessment
Subtitle: Leadership is a journey, are you ready for it?-
I don’t know what expedition means until the second sentence. It was confusing to me. Leadership feels like a broad category. I cannot immediately tell if I fit into who you are looking for. Asking me if I’m ready for it brings up feelings of doubt and uncertainty, not hope or trust, or possibility. (Again, maybe I’m not the right person!) What is…Read More
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I love how you tied your story into why people would value your in person retreat that offers an opportunity to connect with others.