• Just a reminder, we meet Jan 2nd at 10am ET for Inspired Beyond Belief. The zoom is in your calendars.
    Inspirational Journal. can be downloaded here: https://joyfulbusinessrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2024-Inspiration-Journal.pdf

  • Hi All! Looking for feedback on my recent post. I teach mindfulness to school-age kids and stress reduction to teachers. Often, people put my work in the category of yoga, so I took this nitty-gritty detail and wrote a post on it today for LinkedIn. Any feedback will be helpful. Thanks!

    Why Mindfulness is yoga and how it’s…Read More

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    1 Comment
    • Love this! So glad you dove into this since this was the feedback you had been given about “doing yoga already.” Also – I would like you to use the word teach instead of present. Do you know why?

  • Nitty Gritty Details- any advice?


    Do you:
    Want to teach your kids essential life skills that school doesn’t cover?
    Feel formal education is creating a fixed mindset in your children?
    Need help fostering resiliency in your chi…Read More

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  • “nitty gritty client details”

    Why learning only steps and patterns fail in dancing Argentine Tango

    The reasons you’re not getting the results you want in classes is because you’re focusing on just steps and patterns.

    The steps and patterns fail you because you’re neglecting to consider your partnered communication and conne…Read More

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    • I think this is great, Can you write it how you would post it? I feel like you are still sharing a draft/notes here.

    • This can flow better:
      The steps and patterns fail you because you’re neglecting to consider your partnered communication and connection.

      This is keeping you stuck and from progressing to dancing with better dancers.

      Steps and patterns are failing preventing you from dancing with better dancers because you’re neglecting to consider your p…Read More

      • I would consider reversing “The steps and patterns fail you because you’re neglecting to consider your partnered communication and connection.” to “you’re neglecting to consider your partnered communication and connection, your steps and patterns can fail.”

  • 58 Headlines and Hooks! (after going through Shannon’s list I referenced my own curated list from this newsletter: https://go.creatorhooks.com/signup until I got tired)

    1. For music students who are tired of “starting over”
    after every holiday break:

    2. Tired of “starting over” with music lessons
    after every holiday break?

    3. How you…Read More

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  • NITTY-GRITTY DETAILS post 1 of 5

    For music students who are tired of “starting over” after holiday breaks:

    It’s not easy to keep up your chops when on break.
    But if you don’t want to backslide, SOMETHING needs to happen.

    These are things my students tell me:
    📆“When I’m out of my normal routine, I don’t know when to practice.”
    &…Read More

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    • Very nice! I like that you will be addressing each of these separately – builds curiosity and the need to keep coming back for more solutions.

    • I would say what is. “It’s not easy to keep up your chops when on break.” = “It is usually hard for students to keep up with practice during break because their routine is disrupted”

  • NITTY-GRITTY DETAILS post 2 of 5

    How to turn holiday schedule mess
    into holiday practice success:

    📆“When I’m out of my normal routine, I’m always forgetting to practice.
    My usual schedule doesn’t work any more–there just doesn’t seem to be a good time.”

    It’s good to take time away from your instrument, but after a month (or even a few days!)…Read More

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  • NITTY-GRITTY DETAILS post 3 of 5

    Keep up your chops over break
    without missing the festivities!

    🙀“There are always other people around when it’s time to practice.”

    So you’ve set a time to practice, but when that time comes…
    your sister has her stuffed animals lined up on the piano,
    your dad is trying to get you to taste his freshly-b…Read More

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  • Nitty Gritty Details post. This is a first draft. Does it flow?

    Here’s a major reason why your personal brand photos aren’t bringing in new clients.

    You’re not defining your unique brand-essence (simply, your singular way of showing up in service of your clients) to guide your photo shoot.

    A “show up and shoot” approach to brand…Read More

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