• There are TWO bonus Wednesdays in January where we won’t be meeting. What can you focus on between now and then?
    1. Watch and create the messaging from a past video that you have been eyeing
    2. Use the “Connect” section of the Playbook (under Starter Kit) to reflect on your content over the last 4 months. Does it check the boxes, if not – rework…Read More

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  • Content Type: Thought Reversal Post- is this clear and effective? Thank you. 🙏🏼

    Title: The LIMITATIONS of mindset work.

    As a leader, I’m sure you’ve done lots of mindset work over the years. And, it’s likely taken you a distance in your success.

    🔥 However, it is limited.

    Here’s the thing.

    💎 Mindset work uses energy, time, focus…Read More

    • what do you mean by “And, it’s likely taken you a distance in your success.”?

      • @amyhager “And, it’s likely taken you a distance in your success.”? = mindset work has helped them to achieve some success… but mindset work requires focus, energy and time. Does this make sense? Is there a better way to say this?

    • I am getting lost in this too: It takes a toll on you… and frankly, you have other things requiring your time, attention, and desires to fulfill that you’d like to use your energy for, right?

      Mindset work involves dealing with your thoughts and beliefs. These exist as part of your nervous system, personality and Ego.

      As such, whenever cir…Read More

      • @amyhager Mindset work comes with a cost- time, energy and focus- essentially, when we do mindset work we’re wrestling wiith our thoughts, beliefs and stories.

        Maybe i should just take this section out? Would it make sense without it?

        Bottom line: circumstances are always changing which requires constant mindset work… which takes a toll on…Read More

    • small tweak: 🔥 Navigating changing your mindset while in a leadership role means there’s a lot of activation, which is where stress arises from. You’re constantly working with your mindset- trying to reset your thoughts and untangle from your beliefs.

    • This is SOOOO Clear: 💎 What if you could access a part of you that doesn’t change in response to circumstances? A part that remains unchanged even when your whole world feels turned upside down, giving you access to your deepest wisdom.

      💎 What if you didn’t need to wrestle with your thoughts and beliefs?

      You CAN reconnect with this part of you…Read More

      • @amyhager… thank you so much for your thorough feedback on my post. So appreciate it.

  • Thought Leader Post: 3 Step Process- love your questions, reflections and thoughts! Thank you. 💜
    Title: 3 Steps to shift from hustle to heart as a leader.

    🔥 When you’re in the midst of hustle and something happens that seems to pull the rug out from under your feet, life can feel “out of control”- like you can’t find your footing…Read More

    • Susan talks about fear and “rocked my world” you talk about hustle and “pulling the rug” – you could tie a little more to the quote. Her last line is SOOOOO good.

      • @amyhager… thank you!! love this feedback. Got a suggestion for the CTA? I’m coming up blank.🥴

  • Value messaging here. Looking to educate my potential clients to raise their standards around their personal brand images. I’m imagining a series of seven posts. I want readers to walk away asking, does my brand image attract attention?

    Seven jobs your personal brand images should be doing for you – #1 Capture Attention

    Coaches,…Read More

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    • Hey Dan. Love this post… had me thinking about my own headshot!! 😂 A couple of things… This line: This guy has something going on I may want to connect with. I’d love to see this changed to “…i want to connect with. This line had me stop wondering if this was part of the post or a commentary for our group… “A note on social media profile…Read More

    • delete: This guy has something going on I may want to connect with.

    • you are cramming too much. Focus on Matt.

      Use this as a brand new post (Or better yet, GO LIVE and talk through this!):
      A note on social media profile pics
      I just did a search for business coaches on Linked In. I get a screen with face after face in the the standard 400 x 400 circle (but actually sized smaller on search results pages.) Most…Read More

    • I was particularly caught by this line: “But is it doing all it could to promote your business and attract right-fit clients?” I never think of photos in this context and my ears perked up a little at the thought – it sounds like some low hanging fruit or value being left on the table.

  • Are you missing a beloved pet who has crossed over?

    It’s heartbreaking when our furbabies leave this earth and we can’t hug them anymore. When our house is too quiet and we miss their antics and their presence.

    Often we have questions and regrets too.

    What if you could still talk to those pets – to know they are happy and at peace, and to…Read More

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    • Blair, your work tugs my heartstrings. Our sweet dog Benji died Dec 26. What a gift your work is. What is this type of content- Thought Leader with Testimonial? I wonder if you broke up your paragraphs a little it would help some parts to standout a little more? I’d love to see this line as a stand alone: “I would love to help you reconnect to…Read More

  • Profile picture of Ann Becks

    Ann Becks changed their profile picture

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  • Second, shorter draft of Direct Sales with Testimonial. Does it flow? does the idea of a hybrid brand coaching/program throw anyone?

    Website not delivering? You’ve spent hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars and countless hours developing your business website. You hired a marketing consultant to help you with SEO, social media, and design. You…Read More

    • intro is still too wide and goes down too many rabbit holes.

      • Website not delivering? You’ve spent hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars and countless hours developing your business website. You hired a marketing consultant to help you with SEO, social media, and design. {this has no relationship to the website} You hired a photographer to take a professional headshot. {a different post/topic on it’s own} Y…Read More

    • For the quote – remove “He is an artist”. The rest of the quote flows very well with the rest of the text

  • Great work everyone! Please remember, share your content no later than Tuesday (email, social, networking, etc) so we can talk about the results and next steps on Wed❤️

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  • Direct Offer Content with Testimonial

    Hi everyone!
    I’d love your feedback and reflections on this draft post.
    With gratitude.

    Is leadership stress dragging you down?

    As a woman in a leadership role, you’re no stranger to navigating stress and pressure.

    This is not your first rodeo- you’ve been at this for a while and it’s tak…Read More

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    • Is the stress of being a leader dragging you down?

    • This feels like a better theme than stress: learned to speak my truth without the other party feeling attacked or judged.learned to speak my truth without the other party feeling attacked or judged.

      • Amy, do you think the testimonial doesn’t really reflect the topic? Or, is “learned to speak my truth…” a more interesting or specific?

        • D. all the above. I think this quote doesn’t fit the text as well as if you talked about the judgement and speaking truth.
          If you have another quote that mentions stress and burn out, plug that into this text. And then create a new draft focused on Judgement and speaking the truth to go with this quote.

  • Here is my post draft. Feedback welcome. Do I create a clear enough picture of the challenge and transformation?

    Are you stuck in overwhelm when it comes to getting your financial information organized so you can file your taxes?

    Do you struggle with managing the money in your business because you feel like you just aren’t a ‘numbers per…Read More

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    • Hey, Sara! Great post. You’re really zeroing in on your clients’ problem state. The program I think can be a little more concrete. Right now it kind of reads like it just consists of two calls. Can you spell out a little of what you do and what you help your client to do?

    • I like it- maybe With Easy Business™ Bookkeeping VIP, includes XXXX and 2 BONUS 1:1 sessions with me, where I guide you through what’s holding you back so you can implement the system seamlessly for your business.

      • Thank you…that’s helpful, I’l tweak that.

        • How’s this? Enough detail? I am trying to stay away from explaining the entire program in this post.
          With Easy Business™ Bookkeeping VIP, you get access to my Easy Business™ Bookkeeping program and 2 BONUS 1:1 sessions with me,…Read More

    • A couple of additional thoughts, Sara:
      I think the meta-message (the underlying message of everything you say) is EASE. For instance, I see the word ‘templates’ and I think, oh yeah, that’s what’ll make things easy for me. I want to know more about THAT!
      $2k is a big spend for me. I want a little more specificity in what’s included. Like a bullet…Read More

    • Sara, this feels really clear to me.

    • This could speak to any business person out there, so there for it doesn’t speak to anyone. A few suggestions, but see if you can get smaller with who you help on this as well.

      Are you stuck in overwhelm when it comes to getting your financial information organized so you can file your taxes? And so instead you help a client with their health…Read More

    • This was clear to me. You identified who this is for, what their struggle is, how your program will help and that for this one time cost your clients gain a system they can use for years.

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