@mariaaskmaria-tech Wondering if you can give me some insight on new subscribers that have @hotmail.com, @gmail.com, @yahoo.com email addresses. We have 30+ new subscribers in the past week with these types of email addresses and no names (i.e. first and last name were not added at the time the email was added). Is this spam/robots? Should I…Read More
My target market is comprised mostly of retired women, and at least half of them have those old email addresses because their husband or kids set it up for them in the 90s and they never left. I only ask for first name, but if I get anyone through ConvertKit’s Creator Network or the Grow plugin, they are not shown the first name field, only the…Read More
Hi Guys! So I’m finally getting back to working on my lead conversion tool since the Workshop a few months ago. And this was spurred on because I am watching the May course on the lead magnet nurture sequence. I would love your eyes on this draft document. What do you understand from this checklist, what do you think it’s trying to do? Is it…Read More
This is an energy assessment, not really a checklist. Calling it a checklist will leave people confused.
I think after the 5 questions, you need to state “keep reading to get your rating” You also need to give instruction that you need to add up your numbers after the last questions. -
I liked the way you did the myths in between the questions and the results …it kept my interest. Lots of info but I loved it. I am sure many will find this info really interesting.
VashteJohnson changed their profile picture
Hey, I was just removed from our Zoom call, and can’t rejoin…I’m travelling, and using my other computer. I think I had Zoom set to a different name. Anyway, I’d love to be able to join back in!
Nope! Not even with the passcode.
Unable to join this meeting
You are unable to rejoin this meeting because you
were previously removed by the host.-
Perhaps reach out to HQ@ and see if Jordyn has an answer for you. Any tech challenges are usually above my pay grade – sorry.
Here’s my email/post. Is it specific enough, make sense and is it compelling? If not, what suggestions or questions do you have? Thanks!
If you have seen more than 3 doctors and still feel like crap…it may be because conventional medicine can’t give you any answers for your symptoms until your labs are at the level of diagnosis.
There are t…Read More
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Professional organizer, here. I am totally stuck on the 4 problems I solve!
Here are my brainstorming thoughts: tripping over shoes at the door, managing the bazillion papers you want to keep but can’t find the one paper you need, lack of motivation or inspiration to organize your space, change the “someday” projects to a “now” project.
Are…Read More8 Comments-
Subject: Are you tripping as you try to get out your door?
Is a clear path to and from your door a dream?
…it may be because shoes pile up along with backpacks, sports equipment, and work bags.
There are 2 reasons this continues to happen:
1) Everyone needs “quick out the door” items handy and their closets are already full.
2) No one has…Read More-
The first sentence doesn’t really fit with the 2nd sentence. Maybe something like: If you dream of being organized, but are tripping over shoes and backpacks when you walk out the door…it may be because you don’t have an easy grab and go and put back system that is convenient to use.
There are 2 reasons this continues to happen:
I think the problem you solve for is that an organized home gives people a more peaceful container to create from. An organized home allows us to rest when we are home and that helps us function better when we are not. An organized home helps us feel joy in our surroundings and this is better than the chaos which can drain us in a disorganized home
Whitney, I love your wording! But wonder if it is specific enough. It will be interesting to see Amy’s @amymshannonhernandez-com response.
Interesting! The problems I feel with a disorganised space- feel my mind is cluttered and can’t work properly, always feel like I’m busy when the space is disorganised, don’t know how I would even start to organise so I can feel better.
On your draft email, the first sentence and the second line don’t seem to connect. The dream is great, but how…Read More
Fancy Ruff-Wagner changed their profile picture
Here are my 4 Emails – would love feedback.
My ideal clients are overwhelmed, energetically depleted changemakers (think social change/social justice warriors) who want to feel grounded, validated, clarity of next steps, and peace of mind. I’m offering an Ease & Energy call as the entry point of conversation.(Problem 1) Subject: Are you…Read More
can you make this line a little clearer? * You believe who you were is who you are, discounting your very real lived experiences.
took me a few days. (I am not sure I can get this done to one line and I also feel like you might be able to use your clients words to say this better) You have discounted all your very real life experience and you are living in the past. You identify who you WERE and not who you have become because of your amazing life experiences
Hey Amy… thanks for this. Okay… using their very real words, would something like this work?
You believe who you’ve been is who you will always be, discounting who you are becoming.
Can you say this in a way your clients are saying it. I don’t know that they would say “I am using someone else framework and it isn’t working” * You’re outsourcing your wisdom to someone else’s framework.
4 Emails – book a call — Would love your feedback pls!!! (my ideal clients wants to go from overworked, underpaid business owner -Chief Everything Officer — to a well paid CEO of a well running business machine.) Here you go…..
1) HOOK/SUBJECT line: Working 24/7 and still feel broke?
Preview: let’s chat
Hello first name
I see y…Read More
I am pushing you here… working 24/7, hustling on weekends & evenings and yet despite being overworked, you still feel broke – does not bridge over well to #2: Your marketing and content doesn’t position your solution as the BEST solution for your audience.
I know you have better ones to choose from that will speak to the overworked/under p…Read More
Love Email 2 and 4! For Email 3 I feel like there are 2 opening sentences. Maybe just pick one sentence and focus on what their want is which they don’t have. Like “If you’re not feeling like you know exactly what to do and all your juggling balls are in a line, it may because you’re spending too much time on non-revenue generating activities”.…Read More
Reminder… if you have not done the 6 types of messaging you need in your ecosystem or the psychology of messaging, please add your name to the list to join us tomorrow:
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It’s quite likely that these are spam. I mean… when’s the last time you used Yahoo!? haha
In most cases, I would recommend a double opt-in process so that people who fill out the form have to click a confirmation link in order to verify that they’re 1) Human, and 2) definitely interested in getting your email. It’s the best way to avoid spam…Read More