• Hello everyone. I reworked my PSA a bit. I am planning to use this as a blog, and probably not an email at this time, FYI.

    TITLE: Why therapy fails and hypnotherapy succeeds

    Talk therapy SUCKS at solving your problems. It’s great at digging up the issues and gaining perspective, but it’s lousy at getting you past them. Fortunately, hyp…Read More

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    • Hi Jessica, this is now reading more effectively for me as a reader and covering all the bases. Brava!

    • And Jessica, would you also give me some feedback on my latest video blog? I posted the link here on our wall 2 days ago. Your thoughts are most appreciated! Thanks, Nancy

    • Hi again Jessica, I believe you asked me for feedback on your title? I think the current title is very effective ; and I also think the first sentence that follows it makes your point even stronger, “Talk therapy SUCKS”. If you’re open to kicking the tone up, how about something like,” Why Therapy SUCKS and Hypnotherapy ROCKS at Solving Your…Read More

  • Hello everyone! Here is the list of Headline Prompts/Titles that convert!

    Play with these – and see just how much fun you can have inserting your own content ideas/topics. These work great for Post Titles and also Email Subject lines.

    Headline Prompts
    1. How You Can [benefit] Almost Instantly
    2. How to Become [benefit] When You Feel…Read More

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  • I could use some feedback on the PSA copy I wrote. I feel like I’m rambling and not hitting all the key points. Thoughts?

    PSA: You do not need to win awards or Amazon Bestselling status for your book to be worth reading, valuable, impactful, or powerful.

    I went to a networking event recently and was put into a zoom room with a couple…Read More

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    • Ally,
      You’ve got a ton of quality elements in here. Some thoughts here are similar, so you might consider cutting it down, but I’m not sure it’s necessary. It’s pretty compelling content, I don’t think there would be any bad choices about what to cut or if you kept it all. You could experiment with giving yourself a word count or paragraph limit,…Read More

    • Coming back to the title. It didn’t capture my attention, the way your content does, and you’ve got some great lines in your content that I think you could adapt.

      For example:
      “The Amazon Bestsellers Award: It’s a stamp of approval from the algorithm Gods not a stamp of value.
      “An Amazon Bestsellers Award is great, but is your book compellin…Read More

    • Hey @allytwprt-com – I love this piece! Like Joel said – I’d start with a title at the top that just packs a punch. well done!

    • Agree you can say the same thing in much fewer words 🙂 And maybe focus more on what the ABS stamp really is – maybe that is another post…. It is people giving their book away for 99cents (audio only) to get enough ‘purchases’ for the algorithm to bump it. For those of us what have been around the block a bit – know it truly has no meaning,…Read More

    • Hi Ally, I really appreciated your point of view in this piece; it gave me information I found useful to keep in mind, and I felt quite encouraged too, I was, however, not sure what your product/service offering is and how it will benefit me — may want to land these points more firmly. “I’m in the business of writing quality books and focusing o…Read More

      • continued… very good; so how does it serve me to get your help writing a great book vs going for the Amazon bestseller award? And can you share a client example? Would love to read more on that (I hope to write a book myself sometime). Thanks for reading, Ally!

  • Hi All, I am excited to be here and can’t believe I got the time wrong today =( Austin Texas metro area is where I call home and I am a video personality!! Looking forward to growing with you all <3

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  • What is your direct offer?
    I offer Learn German Through Art German Courses Focusing on Everyday Conversation

    PSA: Self-Teaching a New Language is Easy and Everyone Can Do It

    These days, you can find lots of language apps, online programmes and YouTube channels that promise you free and easy to follow resources to learn a new language…Read More

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    • Kerstin! I love what you do, and so well explained. I can relate: my husband is French, and his entire family is only French-speaking, so I was pretty motivated to learn the language!! I have done some of the apps and youtube channels and also some in-person courses. I can relate to the absolute frustration of trying to wrap my brain around…Read More

      • Thank you, JessicaPetter. It is so frustrating to see how many people try it alone and struggle until they abandon learning the language.

    • Kerstin this is great. Your paragraphs are really, clear, clean and compelling for each idea. I would consider sub-headers for some of the them. Intention; Commitment; Discipline; Communication. You might move your story up, and consider a client story. The only part that really threw me off is your title. The title felt entirely counter-intuitive…Read More

      • Joel, thank you for the feedback. I was not too excited about the title and will still work on a more compelling one. Thank you for your suggestions.

        • I thought about several other Titles after Shannon’s title templates. How do you feel about the following?

          Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Apps and Online Programmes to Learn a New Language

          Why Learning a New Language with Apps and Online Programmes Will Leave You Frustrated

          Why Hiring an Instructor to Learn a New Language Will Save You Time and I…Read More

        • Here is a slightly shorter version with bolded main points:

          These days, you can find many language apps, online programmes and YouTube channels that promise you free and easy to follow resources to learn a new language without an instructor. However, most people will experience frustration and waste a lot of time trying to teach themselves a…Read More

      • …love your passion, it comes through here! Might it have more impact if you present your core argument point up front, like ” learning a language through fun, live interaction is way/infinitely/10X more effective than an online app”. And here’s why. I’d like to hear more about YOUR process up front; a bolder title would also convey your passion!

        • Thank you, NancyChen for the suggestions. I am still not happy with the title but will nevertheless use it for a FB live. Do you have any suggestion for the title?

          • Here are some more title ideas: 1) Why Apps Don’t Teach You Communication 2) Why You Should Not Rely on Apps to Learn a Language 3) Why an App Cannot Teach You Conversations in a Foreign Language 4) Language App Versus Human Instructor – How to Learn a Language Successfully

  • Hello everyone, I am excited to be part of the club. I am looking forward to getting to know you better. I am Kerstin Peters, artist, art and German instructor. I am German but have lived for almost 30 years in Ottawa, Canada. I am a Live/In-Person Content Personality.

    At the end of May, I leave for my longest vacation so far, a five-week trip…Read More

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  • – PSA – I Have a Love/Hate Relationship w/ Stage Hypnosis
    – I hate when a stage hypnotist uses the model and myth that they take control someone’s mind.
    – The truth is I can’t snap my fingers and make people do anything I want. If I could I would be on a yacht in the south of France. And yet, the myth is so strong, that I’ve had people run a…Read More

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    • “And yet I love….” is distracting to me as a reader because it makes me do a 180 degree turn.
      Instead, why not stay and drill down your point, “The truth is…. What’s really happening during hypnosis is….imagination, different version, playing hooky from customary behaviors, superpower…” (lovely stuff). I appreciate the stage = it’s…Read More

    • JoelElfman, I love your example of the work you do with your clients compared to the entertainment show you see on a stage.

    • I enjoyed your take on what’s real/illusion as I’d expect that’s the general hangup for people. I absolutely get your love for what you do…I think perhaps add a bit more on that counter side so it’s not about trying to sound convincing – but why the misunderstandings really peeve you off. Again, well written, but I’m not feeling the…I guess…Read More

    • Love it! The Lara Croft bit was the part that “really took me there.” It painted a picture in my mind, and it will be the part that will resonate with me throughout the day. 🙂

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