• Below is my 4 part nurture sequence and I could use an extra pair of eyeballs just to make sure it is pretty clear. There is no formatting on the wall so sorry if it’s a lot to read visually.

    Email 1 DRAFT (WD) : Lead Magnet + Quick Intro
    Subject Line: FNAME, nice to meet you!
    Preview: [Connected Speakers]

    Note: Send immediately upon…Read More

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  • Post #1 of a thought leadership series.

    What makes coaches different than other service professionals? #1
    I love life and business coaching and coaches. Over the years various coaches have help me overcome traumas, connect in my relationships, discover myself as an artist, realize my dreams, and become more fully and powerfully ME. Truly…Read More

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  • Would appreciate any feedback on this post:

    I have worked for a few really good companies, and they could have been great…
    These companies had strong product offerings, great revenue, decent profit, and ‘meh’ people programs.

    With the tightening labor market, they did not pivot on their people programs. They had higher than comfo…Read More

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    • It is clear that you have a lot of experience and intel about this topic – perhaps you could frame it a bit clearer off the top so it’s a bit more clear who you serve and what problem you are solving for (in this piece) I can read between the lines but I think the idea is that we shouldn’t make our customers – everyone reads for a “what’s in it…Read More

    • Is this following any of the formats?

  • Hi again – I’m audio content personality – and I’m not sure what to do in terms of my newsletter. I dont know how to “speak” a newsletter. I’ve been transcribing some of my podcast guest experiences and putting the takeaways into my newsletter. Feels like I might be missing something. Any insights?

    • I “think” that IS the idea Anthea – to use your strengths first and then lean in to other ways to extend & expand your voice – so for example I am writing first and podcast 2nd so I could take my writing and recorder it as you have done in reverse – also you could take some of your podcast clips/highlights and turn them into carousels or reels for…Read More

    • Hey Anthea — Audio!!! I’ve also seen voice put behind powerpoints or pictures so it almost makes a video – but you could do that and incorporate the ‘video’ into your newsletters.

  • Hey everyone, I’m updating a lead magnet for one of my business ventures – a life insurance brokerage called “Informed Insurance”. The lead magnet is a book. Which book title do you like best? 1) Informed Life Insurance, What You Should Know 2) Essential Knowledge for Life Insurance Buyers”
    3) Navigating Life Insurance: Key Insights for…Read More

  • Not sure it’s my final draft, but I’d love feedback on this. I can’t make the live call this week. My resource is 5 Hidden Reasons for Pet Behavior, and my target audience are Pet Moms (and maybe some Dads) who are stressed out or whose life has been affected (limited what they do) due to their pet’s behavior. I struggled a bit because I don’t…Read More

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  • Hi! I’d love feed back on my last email to my list. This was a follow up email to my email from last month’s content on how past experience helps me in the work I do now. The subject line was Understanding can CHANGE pet behavior. Here is the link: https://www.blairhope.com/so/6eOz5bi-e?languageTag=en Thank you!

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  • Here is my landing page for the lead conversion tool that was created from April’s Lead Magnet Workshop. I have connected everything and the delivery emails have been written and timed out. I would love your thoughts and feedback. (I am still working on the mobile responsive settings)…Read More

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    • I love how clean this page feels, and the graphic you have of the two head really feels like tangled to smooth! I also love the title of your LCT. Most of your page seems to be clear on who it is for and how this helps. The only part I was not sure about was this: My ultimate mission is to empower women-owned small businesses and entrepreneurs to…Read More

    • Hi @carriewulfdenprofessionalsolutions-com – good job. LOVE the graphic at the top and the promise/transformation of the resource. I did get lost on the page, there is a lot going on there. What can be SIMPLIFIED and removed? And remember a landing page has no other menu items/social icons, CTA on the page. I’m including a link to our landing page…Read More

  • Here’s the sign up page for Ride the Waves with Anthea – https://dreamteamconsulting.ca/ridethewaves. I’m doing it as a give back to the entrepreneurial community – occasionally and perhaps in the future I will have events/offers, but my main intent right now is to help business owners to succeed by sharing my insights and wisdom from my own…Read More

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  • Here’s the email that went to my list last week. It was inspired at the story telling event in Miami – and Shannon came up with the headline for me when I shared it with the group. And, Amy was the facilitator who came to my rescue!

    Subject line – Lonely, Lost and Late. Preview line – Can You Relate?

    Its late April 2024. I’m wal…Read More

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