Email Number 3- if you read this email, would you want to know more about what food to eat and avoid? Hoping to get some discovery calls booked! @amymshannonhernandez-com @clientsmshannonhernandez-com
Subject Line: Does it rot?
Preview: How do you know if food is real?Hook Line: Something weird happened, I bought a croissant and decided…Read More
Email Number 2- Please share your thoughts- Does this email make you feel curious about your hunger needs? And get you thinking, do I want to reassess my relationship with food?
Subject Line: Hunger isn’t about food 😱😱
Preview: I was recently proven right about this, you can be full and lose weight!Hook Line: Hunger is 99% NEVER about the…Read More
I LOVE this piece – and the opening line. and the story! Well done @jaini-shah15gmail-com. Remember, subject lines and preview lines need to be 5 words or less – so you need to rethink this long preview line.
Hi all – new to the group and excited to be here. I am a bookkeeper who loves to educate clients on what they can learn from their numbers to help grow their businesses.
I am creating a landing page for an online masterclass that I am hosting on 29 July 2024. Below is the text for the landing page (or you can have a look at the landing page here: https://wildbutterfly.myflodesk.com/nkh6awy5pc). Would love your thoughts everyone in the community and @amymshannonhernandez-com and @clientsmshannonhernandez-com on…Read More
Did you watch the landing page training? It doesn’t seem so, my suggestion is to go back to it and watch it.
Your email is more aligned VS your landing page. -
Hi Guys! Here’s my first email draft since Wednesday’s call. I’d love if you could have a read and let me now, does this make you want to sign up for a free discovery call?
Subject Line: Tell Your Mind Better Things
Preview: You can cheat your mind so that you can have a better experience.It was 11.30pm, there’s a massive elephant 5 meters…Read More
Flip the order of this: I definitely did start to pray on repeat. But before that, I felt helpless, powerless, and that anything could happen. And my husband was right next to me calm as a cucumber. I was wondering, what’s wrong with me, why am I freaking out? What am I not understanding?
I felt helpless and powerless that anything could happen i…Read More
RuthieSterrett changed their profile picture
Would love feedback on this email I wrote after our session today!
Subject: It’s not about the stuff
Preview: What I’ve learned as a self taught marketer (a series)Hey NAME,
Several years ago, as a new mom learning to juggle a new career and a 1 year old, I found out my job was being eliminated. One of the biggest stressors in lif…Read More
For our event at the end of the month… copy this please: Register for free using code CPLAB97 at this link here:
You do no have the zoom details yet and need to do that.
when i click on it above , it does not go anywhere. However link given in the session works. Can yo remind me where I find the template/guide that was shown today?
Next iteration lead (conversion) magnet. Looking for feedback on messaging and appeal.
Here’s the download landing page. Still working long getting the form working properly. Also looking for feedback on messaging.
Hey Dan! Because your brand is BADASSITY I was expecting some big bold language in the copy that really stood out. I personally got distracted by the taps in the heading that made me wanted to click away from the lead magnet. I would remove them for your lead magnet. I would break the initial messaging up to something like this: Calling All Bad…Read More
What if you shortened the headline from “Hello, coaches and transformational leaders.
Are your personal brand images commanding attention, building connection, and winning you new clients?” to:Your coaching can transform lives.
But are your personal brand images commanding attention and building connection to win you new clients?the first…Read More
@danbadassity-com I like this version so much better than the first. The way you added your color to each slide gave it more visual appeal for me (I’m a visual content person). I am LOVING the way that you broke down the assessment into the colored boxes. It makes it hard to miss. ANd the Name It – Frame It- Play It- slide feels much more on brand…Read More
Context: I want to personally send a message to the people who clicked the workshop link but did not register. This email is a personal email sent to them.
Subject Line: Checking in with you
Hey {!firstname_fix},I noticed you clicked on the link for my SOP Summer School: High-Touch Client Onboarding with Low-Touch Effort workshop…Read More
Hi @carriewulfdenprofessionalsolutions-com I think this email is fine. I love getting these types of emails because oftentimes I click on something and get distracted and forget about it. I’m not sure what your content personality is but if it’s video or audio i think adding a personal video answering common FAQs (this will save the time of…Read More
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Don’t add fluff to the hook line
Hook Line: Something weird happened, I bought a croissant and decided not to eat it, and then A YEAR LATER- the croissant is still here 😷😷
Get straight to it: I bought a croissant and decided not to eat it, and then A YEAR LATER- the croissant is still here