• Profile picture of SandyTownsend


    2 years, 3 months ago

    I would love some input on this as I could not get on my computer yesterday to post this.
    Thank you.

    November 2022: Outcome/Result

    Here is the key reason you get sick even if you eat the best diet, sleep well and exercise daily to keep yourself healthy.

    You can do all the right things taking care of your physical body but if you do not address the emotional side, no matter how well you take care of yourself, you will get sick. This is because it is your emotions that weaken your immune system.

    Lets go a little deeper with this.

    You have thousands of thoughts that go through your head everyday. Did you know most of them are negative? About 80% are negative. Since your body is mostly made up of water and it has been proven that you can program water with your thoughts what do you think happens to our bodies when 80% of our thoughts are negative? And most of these thoughts we are not even aware of!

    A friend of mine was one of those very healthy people. She did everything to keep herself healthy. Everything was organic, never had sugar, took the best supplements and one day found out she had cancer. Not even a year later she passed away. She told me she knew how she got cancer. It was over a family diamond ring that was part of an inheritance. She couldn’t resolve the situation and she was angry.

    If you have read this far, the next part is for you:

    When I work with people I address those suppressed emotions, thoughts and feelings that cause you to get sick. This in turn helps the mind to become clearer and the heart to open and guess what; you begin to get healthier.

    If you would like some help addressing your inner environment, DM me and we can chat.

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    • I got a little stuck here but don’t have the right way to organize it: You have thousands of thoughts that go through your head everyday. Did you know most of them are negative? About 80% are negative. Since your body is mostly made up of water and it has been proven that you can program water with your thoughts what do you think happens to our bodies when 80% of our thoughts are negative? And most of these thoughts we are not even aware of!

      • Thanks Amy. I’m not sure how to change it either!

        • THIS MAKES SENSE: You have thousands of thoughts that go through your head every day. Did you know most of them are negative? About 80% are negative.
          YOU LOST ME HERE: Since your body is mostly made up of water and it has been proven that you can program water with your thoughts what do you think happens to our bodies when 80% of our thoughts are negative? And most of these thoughts we are not even aware of!
