• Profile picture of JoelElfman


    2 years, 11 months ago

    PSA – 1st draft. I will probably end up doing this as a video.

    – PSA – I Have a Love/Hate Relationship w/ Stage Hypnosis
    – On the one hand, I hate when a stage hypnotists uses the model and myth that they take control someone’s mind.
    – The truth of how hypnosis works, who has control, and what it looks like in a 1-1 setting is very different.
    – And yet, I love that stage hypnosis really shows how powerfully people can stretch their imagination, and step into a widly different version of themselves.
    – People don’t what is going on behind the scenes in stage show, because a stage hypnotist often sorts the audience, to find individuals that most dramatically follow his/her suggestions. Some high-end stage hypnotists might even have plants pre-screening for people who are more willing to follow suggestions.
    – That person, up there, on stage, is there for their own personal reasons, and because it is for entertainment may be more willing to act out the suggestions of the hypnotist.
    – And I wonder if you’ve ever noticed the other people sometimes left on stage, just hanging in trance, lying about doing nothing. That’s because that stage hypnotist has noticed the beginning of some hesitation on that person’s part, and leaves them alone, so it doesn’t spoil the illusion.
    An example comes to mind of a woman who had strong religious objections to dancing, and when instructed to dance on stage, she flat out refused. And when the hypnotist kept on pushing, she came completely out of trance, and walked off stage.
    – The truth is I can’t snap my fingers and make people do anything I want. If I could I would be on a yacht in the south of France. And yet, I’ve had people run away from me, when they learned I’m a hypnotist. Most people are not aware, there is a body of scientific research behind how the brain & hypnosis works, and how it affects people. People have much more choice about when they go into trance, and what they choose to do or not do in trance, than many stage hypnotists would lead you to believe.
    – What hypnosis looks like and how they are supposed to feel & act if someone went to a hypnotist for a personal session, is quite different from the zombie version of trance that happens on stage.
    – Not only are there are many different types of trance; it often looks quite different from person to person.
    – The truth is trance is a beautiful natural state, that allows you to experience a different way of focusing your attention and thinking, that helps you make positive change.
    – And trance happens all the time: it’s when you’re daydreaming, it’s your moments of creativity, meditation, listening to music, and so much more.
    – Trance can even be quite conversational, remember a friend telling you about their vacation, so vividly you got swept away, transported there. Someone inviting you to imagine, to embrace your dream, your vision vividly, that’s trance.

    If you want to talk more about the possibilities, of what hypnosis can do for you, I invite you to schedule a discovery call.

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    • Awesome job, Joel! I struggle to speak to the difference between hypnotherapy and stage hypnosis daily, and you’ve done such an articulate job with great engagement. This difference is what everyone wonders about, so I love that you tackled it!

    • Joel, I see a lot of good content here, and I invite your to make it clearer to an unfamiliar reader, like me.

    • continued….pressed wrong key. Title: “My love/hate relationship,…?”. #1 Say what it is: If it’s not about control, and people do have a choice, what is it about? #2 Give context for understanding: “The truth is… ” move this up, dive deeper – help reader appreciate the distinction and point of view you are asserting. #3 Counter example: Can you give a client example that shows/proves how it helped them make a positive change (that’s the transformational journey and outcome you’re selling, right?), I sense that part of the process may be about the client accessing a part of themself that allows them to get free enough to let go of a barrier and move forward toward change? An internal force or power? Intriguing. Thanks for reading.

    • OHHHH I love the idea of doing as a video



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