• Profile picture of JoelElfman


    2 years ago

    Here is a rough draft of an article I’m writing. The language needs tightening up for sure. But I was committed to getting it up on the wall today. All suggestions are welcome. I’m thinking of putting it up on LinkedIn and shooting a short video talking about it.

    How Do You Change a Successful Habit?

    I was working w/ a long-time, 40-something client the other day. Let’s call him Sam. He has created an amazing start-up and works 2-3X harder than anyone I know. Looking over his To-Do List makes me tired.

    And yet, this brilliant ability of his is showing its’ imperfections. Sam is a micro-manager, runs on anxiety, and spends less time w/ his family than he would like. Recently, we improved his decision-making about where to put his attention, so he can work even smarter, and have a bit more family time.

    Yet, a problem remains, just like many of the successful entrepreneurs he knows, and reads about, Sam is beginning to realize that he can no longer micro-manage, and try and do everything himself. He has to learn to step back, delegate, and leave others on their own to complete certain tasks.

    Last week, we did some work on changing this up and came up with some new ways of thinking & operating. I was excited to find out what changes might occur this week and found coaching ran smack into the real world. LOL! Sam has a project he absolutely has to complete in the next couple of days where there is little room for delegation, and he has to relentlessly focus on doing even more than usual to bring all the pieces together.

    And yet, in describing the situation, Sam is making some new very clean, and very clear distinctions between his old way of thinking, the micro-managing, and a new more expansive way of running the business. Signs for me, that change is taking place, even if the results are not dramatic & immediate. So, I’m looking forward to seeing what he does in the future.

    I’m wondering, if any of you, have a successful strategy that has worked really well for you for years, it’s your go-to, perhaps it made your career & life successful, and yet it is fraying around the edges. Or if you have changed a really useful habit, I’m wondering if you would share what motivated you, and how you did it?

    If you would like to chat about how hypnosis & coaching might help you make a change, please DM me.

    • Hi Joel! I like the story direction of this! I think you could definitely position your expertise by expanding out on “the work” you did with your client. What was it? Why did you choose that particular modality? What is the maintenance work as the client continues on this journey?

      • Thanks Shannon. I’m glad you like the direction. This one was a fun one to write, and hopefully to shoot the video for. I’m still working on how much to share or not about technique & modality, and your guidance is always much appreciated.

        • I was just in a networking call, and when I was asked about what’s my ask, what kind of people I wanted to meet, I used a story about this client to say I wanted to meet more people like this, who are finding their successful strategy is hitting some limitations and are looking to create some change.



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