• Profile picture of SandyTownsend


    2 years ago

    Not sure if this makes sense?

    February 2023: 3 Step Expert Process

    1:1 Sessions

    A: Supporting divorced women to transform negative emotions
    B: Feel more heart centered so positive outcomes can be created

    3 Step Expert Process

    1. Sit in a chair and relax for an hour. There is no physical touch involved.
    2. Your heart is opened and selected procedures are weaved into the body. Shifting unresolved emotions, mind chatter and whatever needs to be addressed in the body allowing shifts to happen.
    3. 30 minute explanation of what shifts were made. A Lightbody essence is made for you to take home and support you to continue to make changes.

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    • I like it! What will be your CTA?

    • Help me understand these phrases: “selected procedures are weaved into the body” “A Lightbody essence is made for you to take home”

      • Would selected procedures are energetically worked into the body? The lightbody essence is something similar to flower essences that people physically take. I could remove that part.

        • Almost! Can you tell me more about the selected procedures? And as to the open heart, is it open from relaxing in the chair or does that really happen in Step 2? All this passive voice is calming, but tricky to pin down. I actually love the idea of an essence to take home or take at home. Is Lightbody a brand name? Would it be inaccurate to call it an herbal essence? Custom blend of essences?

          • There are about 40 procedures and they are different. The heart gets opened with a procedure in the beginning so you can be receptive to the healing. The essences are made with crystal vibrations that are picked for each person out of a kit of 77 different ones. Lightbody is not a brand name but is referring to our lightbody (which is an energetic part of our bodies). Therefore, the essences work with that aspect to help you make shifts. I know its very complex and this is part of my problem when writing stuff.

            • That’s fine–we’re all so close to our own work, it’s helpful to have someone who knows nothing to bounce things off. My take (do with these what you want–you probably won’t use these words but it may inspire the right words): 2. Your heart is made receptive to the healing process and [specially selected?] procedures such as (choose two examples) are energetically worked into the body. [then the rest of #2] 3. Experience a 30-minute explanation of which shifts were made. A custom blend of crystal vibration essences is made for you to take home and support you as you continue to make changes.
