• Profile picture of Nancy Norbeck

    Nancy Norbeck

    1 year, 5 months ago

    All right–you wanted purely personal, here’s purely personal. Not what I would have expected to write about, but then ending up in the ER Wednesday night was also not something I expected. I debated just how detailed/vulnerable to be here and decided that short and sweet was the right note, at least for now. I may write more about it later, but if I’d gone deeper it would have been harder to keep it from turning into my usual “and here’s what I learned from this that you might want to learn from it, too” sort of thing.

    I’m still crowdsourcing explanations, too, if anyone wants to throw any my way!


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    • LOVE it, Nancy! And the list ties it in to what you do without needing a CTA or anything. Fun! (I say that as someone who fell on my face a few months ago. No stitches, but some light scars and my front teeth will never be the same again.)

      • Thanks, Ruth! Sorry to hear you’ve done something similar. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, though I have been very surprised at how hilarious the whole thing has turned out to be.

    • OMG this made me laugh my ass off. WELL DONE. Your personality shines here – and guess what? THAT is what people buy. Good job getting out of your comfort zone @norbeckgmail-com
