• Profile picture of Blair Hope

    Blair Hope

    1 year, 5 months ago

    Here is my draft. Feedback welcome! Also wondering if I should include a photo in the Facebook post. Is this too long? Thanks!

    Dog Moms! Does your dog bark excessively or lunge when you are on a walk?

    If this is you, you have probably learned to be on alert so you can be prepared to intervene or prevent this behavior. This makes sense when you feel like you need to keep everyone safe.
    What you might not realize is that by doing this, you are unintentionally reinforcing the exact behavior you are trying to prevent! Here are some of my favorite tips on what YOU can do to help your dog when you want them to be more calm on your walk:

    1. Identify your triggers when you are on walk. When do you start to go on alert and prepare to take action? For example, this might be when you see another dog or person in the distance, approach the house where your dog always barks, see a bike or vehicle coming, etc.

    2. You know what you DON’T want your walks to look and feel like, but often we don’t stop to think about what we DO want. Take the time to think about what you would like your dog’s behavior to look like. Be specific. Find a way to state what you WANT your dog to do instead of what you don’t want them to do.

    3. Pay attention to your energy and emotions. When do you notice your body starts to tense, your grip on the leash tightens, your stomach flutters or your jaw tenses? Do you hold your breath? Do you start to worry, get frustrated, scared of angry? Your dog can literally feel all this coming down the leash, so self-awareness can really help.

    4. Now that you are aware of when you start to react and how you react, use that information as an opportunity to intentionally make an effort to stay calm yourself. Slow your breathing, relax your body, unclench your fist. When you are tense or anxious, your dog is getting a message that there is something to react to. When you are calm, that can often help your dog shift their energy as well.

    5. Tell your dog out loud what you do want them to do and try to imagine them doing this. For example, if your dog lunges and the leash goes taut, imagine your dog staying by your side with the leash relaxed. Even if you don’t believe your dog understands your words, they absolutely feel the energy and emotions from you. Visualizing a calm walk will change your energy from tense or anxious to calmer and more relaxed, which will benefit your dog too.

    I would love to talk to you about YOUR dog and how you can help them so can enjoy your walks together! Click on this link to schedule a free call with me: http://www.blairhope.com/helpyourpet

    ** I also realized one way to help me brainstorm hooks is to go through the FB groups I am in and see what pet parents are asking about or struggling with. I see so many posts that I know I could help!

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    • Hi Blair, I was on the 12pm EST call w/ you this morning. I’m totally new so take my comments w/ a grain of salt. As I read this I almost giggled because I didn’t think that dogs were that in tune with us and can sense our energy on a walk. Wondering, if other people might feel that way when reading your post. You have such great tips and insight I wonder if just inserting something at the top/opening like…There’s a reason why dogs are known as Man or Woman’s best friend. Just like a close best friend, dogs can actually sense your energy even without you saying a word. When you shift your energy, you can shift your dog’s energy. Just like the saying, “Happy wife, happy life” you too can have, “Happy Walk, happy block!” or Happy Dog, Happy Jog! OK, maybe those are cheesy ideas. Just brainstorming:)

About Me

Blair Hope

Animal Communicator & Intuitive, Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner, studying to become a Certified Animal Hospice Care Practitioner



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