@amymshannonhernandez-com What is the best way to organize all the messaging we are developing? Tabs in an excel sheet? A google drive folder with different google docs?
Hi @amymshannonhernandez-com do you mind sharing an example of what it looks like? I am trying to find a functional way to organize all of my messaging. Thank you!
Hi ReeJade. Here is my monthly content document for this brand. I copy this each month and add the new content in as I work on stuff – it includes ALL content – promos, Social media, Newsletter content, etc. Take a look and let me know if this helps. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qebr97lfbdbs3Z8mdpGS3Bc9mLsrMeZ52Hi4_Pkib_0/edit?usp=sharing

Veronica (Vee) Drake

Great question and I think something that some of your fellow Club members can answer as well.
We use a spreadsheet. I know some people have the theme as a folder and then a document with each content under that theme they created.