• Profile picture of Claire Peltier

    Claire Peltier

    1 year, 4 months ago

    Hi all,
    I have revisited my form and my questions – here they are ;
    I wonder is the ‘why are you interested in this type of work’ could sound a bit too much and putting people off ?

    You have booked an assessment session with me and I am delighted to get to know you better !
    Before we get to talk I d like to have more clarity on what brings you to this session (my approach is unconventional, subtle, but clarity is key !)

    – Must have for people to work with me –

    What is energy / spiritual work for you ?
    Have you already done similar work ?
    Why are you interested in this type of work ?

    – Things I need to know before the call –

    What are you currently struggling with that you d like to work on ?
    Do you have any idea of the root cause ?
    Have you taken any step already to deal with it (whether a more conventional approach or not)

    – Time / energy / finance –

    The work I do is no magic, while it is possible that some negativity be removed in one session, it usually requires you to process what is uncovered, to become aware what is going through your consciousness and commit to self improvement.. It is also a financial investment (from 110€ for one session to 300€ for a package of 3 sessions (that may require further work).

    Are you prepared to look deep within yourself ?
    Are you willing to take responsibility ?
    Are you prepared to invest this kind of money on yourself ?


    Thinking ahead on other possibilities to use the content

    ‘the work I do is no magic’ – it came because quite often clients expect all their problems to go with one session while they do no work at all ! So, I could write something on that topic, do a video (I am live / in person)

    Could tie it with my values – that’s just the beginning of a thought.. but I could take 3 of my values : exploration, healing and integrity and do a video on why I have this form when people book an appointment and how it is aligned to my values.

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    • For the money question, borrow the one we have.
      Do you have the resources/money to invest without causing undue financial stress?

    • I love the two ideas: Magic and your values. We always go over this form in our training sessions so that people see the questions we ask and they can ask questions before they dive in. We haven’t done a video before, but I like that for you. ❤️

      • I realise I need something like a process to take people through these questions when they call to book – as some are referred to me, or find me on the net and go straight into booking a session. And some then happen to be not a good match. I guess including these questions into the call would allow a better ‘screening’

    • For you “Why are you interested in this type of work ?” question… go back to your values. exploration, healing and integrity – can you reword it to include one of those instead of the way you are saying it now?

      • Thanks Amy – I have tried rewording that question, this is what I could come up with
        My values are soul exploration, healing, meeting with the sacred, integrity and Body – Soul- mind : these are what drives me to do what I do the way I do it. This work is a constant exploration of the soul. What would be your values in this type of work ?

    • Really good questions, Claire! Well done. I also like your introduction to the questions.

About Me

Claire Peltier

I read and see people's soul's, the energies that manifest, the various dimensions of consciousness, to harmonise blockages and give them keys so that they make the bast decisions for themselves.

I started  my own business at the end of 2018, wanting to be independent and live in my own truth. Gosh, that business has evolved since then and so have I ! I have a deep desire to develop and have an impact on this world that is transforming.

In a previous life, or two, I was in one of the top auction houses (in London, Paris and New York) then joined a large humanitarian organisation working in conflict zones (to encounter PTSD.. which opened the door to this new version of me, years later !).

So happy to be on this journey with you !


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Jackie Barker