• Profile picture of MeganDougherty


    1 year, 1 month ago

    Hey folks! I have been working on a Value Messaging Post, and I would love your thoughts on it. Thank you in advance!

    Selling: the Business Podcast Accelerator sample call ROI Clinic

    Topic of that call: Using Your Podcast to educate + nurture new leads, Case Studies + Hotseats for attendee podcast optimization.

    Destination: This will go on LinkedIn and in an email to our list.


    Is your podcast getting people ready to buy from you?
    (*And be better clients once they do?*)

    If the answer to that isn’t an enthusiastic YES – then you’ve got some room to optimize.

    There are a few different ways you can position a podcast on your website and in your sales process to increase your know like and trust factor, shorten sales cycles, and let your audience self-select into different categories that you have different offers for.

    1. Highlight your ‘Get to Know Me!’ and pillar content episodes so new listeners get the most important information about you and your work right away.
    2. Create playlists (either opt-in or not) on specific sub-topics you cover so that people can get all of what matters most to them right away.
    3. Identify answers to common questions, situations clients often find themselves in and conversations about the objections your clients often bring up to you and index them so you can easily share clips and timestamps when you are talking to people.

    On February 1st, we’re making the first ROI Clinic of the Business Podcast Accelerator open to the public, and we’re going to be looking at how several different businesses podcasts are doing what I’ve described above – and there will be plenty of time to workshop your show, too.

    Learn more and register (for free!) right here:

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    • @megandougherty I love the simplicity and efficiency of this post. It gets straight to the point and provides immediate value.

      I wonder if you could simply this line, “There are a few different ways you can position a podcast on your website and in your sales process to increase your know like and trust factor, shorten sales cycles, and let your audience self-select into different categories that you have different offers for.” … “Here are a few different ways:”

      This line could almost be a separate value post: “When you strategically position your podcast on your website and in your sales process you: 1. increase your know, like and trust factor, 2. shorten sales cycles and 3. let your audience self-select into different categories for your various offers.”

    • How can we make it more about them – less about you in the last line?
      “we’re going to be looking a”
      “You will have a chance to see how other businesses have suscessfully impliemnted these three tips to their prodcasts to close more sales.”
