• Profile picture of JoelElfman


    2 years, 10 months ago

    Here is the latest version of my PSA. V6 if you can believe it. Hopefully, it is getting cleaner & clearer.

    PSA – I Have a Love/Hate Relationship w/ Entertainment Hypnosis
    – I hate when an entertainment hypnotist uses the model and myth kept alive by so many movies, books, and videos that the hypnotist control someone’s mind. It makes people afraid of one of the most powerful tools they will ever come across, hypnosis and the ability to access and positively change old, limiting behaviors and beliefs. And it falsely distorts where control and choice actually exist between hypnotist and subject
    – The truth is I can’t snap my fingers and make people do anything I want. If I could I would be on a yacht in the south of France. And yet, this living myth is so strong, that I’ve had people run away, when they learned I’m a hypnotist.
    – Trance is a beautiful natural state, that allows you to experience a different way of focusing your attention and thinking, that can help you make positive change, that has a strong body of scientific research behind how the brain & hypnosis works, and how it affects people.
    – Hypnosis helps your brain play hooky, from some of the rules and behaviors that normally govern your behavior, and allows your creativity and imagination to become a superpower. And like when you play hooky, there are still important beliefs and values that govern, and certain things you will or won’t do.
    It is a collaboration between the hypnotist & the person being hypnotized. Where we begin to explore how to think differently.
    – While entertainment hypnosis demonstrates how powerfully people can stretch their imagination, and quickly step into wildly different versions of themselves. When we peer behind the entertainer’s illusion of control, the reality is that the hypnotist has usually sorted the audience, bringing on stage the people who are most willing to dramatically follow his/her suggestions.
    Whether it is for fun, entertainment, a sense of freedom, a desire to step outside the box, to liberate themselves from their normal rules of behavior, or for some other personal reason, these folks have chosen to follow the instructions they are given for a period of time.
    – And during their act the hypnotist keeps culling people, focusing, using those who continue to choose to most imaginatively follow the suggestions given. And stops using anyone who hesitates, holds back, starts to do something different from what was asked, so they don’t spoil the show, and the myth of control. Perhaps, you’ve noticed those folks, the people props, sitting around, in trance, relaxed, doing nothing.
    – And yet, even for those who buy-in, and brilliantly acted out the instructions given, the choice still remains, and there may be suggestions they will not follow. An example comes to mind of a woman who had strong religious objections to dancing, and when instructed to dance on stage, she flat out refused. And when the hypnotist kept on pushing, she came completely out of her trance and walked off stage.
    – And while, a personal session might look and feel quite different from the zombie version of trance that happens during entertainment, the rules for how the brain works, the power of trance to help create change, and the truth of choice are the same.
    – When it’s folks who, maybe less willing to take on and wildly act out any suggestion. When everyone has a different level of comfort taking on new possibilities, and different degrees of how far they are willing to stretch at one time, collaboration and choice become even more vital.

    When hypnosis is no longer just for fun. When people are coming to change real problems or beliefs that have been around a long time, issues involving identity, trauma, or other challenges creating comfort and a positive invitation to explore and change becomes vital.
    – I remember, a hypnosis client who wanted to demo kick-ass confidence when interviewing for a sales position the next day. Talking them into a trance (less than a zombie, more like a daydream), I invited them to imagine the strong feeling of confidence they wanted, but somehow they couldn’t quite get there. So, I asked a different question, “Can you imagine a role model who has that kick-ass level of confidence you want?”. After thinking for a while, out popped, “Lara Croft, Tomb Raider”, the action heroine.
    – I smiled at their unconscious’ brilliant answer, and had them begin to imagine stepping into the shoes of Lara Croft, and really taking on that deep level of confidence. We practiced strengthening the feeling of confidence they created and practiced having them imagine handling the interview as Lara Croft until it locked solidly in place. The next day, they aced the interview and got the job. And thanked me for the session and my help.
    – For me, hypnosis is always an invitation for you to connect to your unconscious and imagine. It is always respectful of you, your needs, and the pace and speed at which you are willing to change; fast, slow, or anywhere in-between. And encourages your change, your transformation to find a way or ways that are healthy, ecological, appropriate, and resilient for you, your goals, dreams, and the people, the world around you. I believe there is always a way to create change. And I believe my clients have amazing resources inside, even when they don’t always believe in themselves.
    – If you would like to talk more about the possibilities, of what hypnosis can do for you, I invite you to schedule a discovery call.

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