• Profile picture of Whitney Doherty

    Whitney Doherty

    1 year ago

    Was thinking clearer after the call about “What are my ideal clients doing incorrectly” (my ideal clients are people that want support to help them realize an unfinished course, unmet goal, a wish unfulfilled, etc) So when I did a market research question I heard this as their problem:
    -They are getting discouraged
    -They are getting overwhelmed
    -They are getting trapped in compare & despair
    -They are overcommitted
    -They are setting selves up for failure
    -They are starting but not finishing
    -They are going it alone and feeling lonely

    Also – currently I am using Substack as my “list” but realize I need to start list building and build outside of that – or at least I think so?

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    • Hi Whitney, these are very valid points for not finishing something. I think there is also a tendency to over-buy/ consume as there are usually plethora of offer on the market and on the internet and SM, we think this one will do the thing and fall into the marketers’ trap when – depending on what you do but that applies to a lot of stuff – we have to go deep and stick to something to see results.

      Also goes back to a mistake of not being clear on what they want, really want. And clear enough on what they are ready to do to have it.

      • You have a great point, Claire! Which makes me wonder… can you get clearer on the overcommitting? They are overcommitting to multiple courses/coaches/support.

    • Hi Whitney, I am wondering what mistakes people make that lead them to feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, trapped, overcommitted?

    • Hey Whitney! Can you put a picture in your profile please? A pic of your lovely face? Maria will be at the 3rd wed this month to answer tech/substack quesitons!

      • will add a pic and get caught up here later – still not sure how best to navigate this platform so will get familiar with it soon (partial luddite here!!)

About Me

Whitney Doherty

Consultant & Coach

At my core, I am a creative problem solver, master connector and expansive thinker who works at the intersection of business development, strategy and scale. I love supporting founders with larger visions, accountability and championing dreams.  I'm developing a program I currently call Dream Leader aimed at teasing out those quelled dreams and bringing them to life.


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