• Profile picture of JoelElfman


    1 year ago

    Revision 01-
    Thank you to everyone for your wonderful feedback. Please keep it coming.
    If anyone has preferences for the top 4, please let me know.

    This idea comes from somatic movement – 1st you have to yield (relax) to gather your resources and push/stretch to an action or goal

    Topic- Stress & tension limit your ability to move forward
    Mistake 1 – When over-stretched or stressed, you don’t have the bandwidth (room) to take on something new
    Mistake 2 – You are stressed, and you’re ignoring the information your body is trying to share with you or how it is trying to help
    Mistake 3 – You aren’t present in the moment, and you aren’t receiving important information that is happening around you.
    Mistake 4 – Something tethered to your past is coloring your perception or triggering an inappropriate reaction in the moment
    Mistake 5 – You are racing too hard to get things done, when sometimes you have to go slow to go fast
    Mistake 6 – You are not relaxing or letting go, cutting yourself from healing, creativity & inspiration (“Don’t just do something, sit there”)

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    1 Comment
    • @bodymindhypnoticgmail-com 1, 3, 4, and 5 are compelling to me. They seem to be a different angle than what I hear around these topics. and I know you going in depth on each of these and shedding light will make them even more powerful!



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