• Profile picture of ReeJade


    7 months, 1 week ago

    Hi Everyone- looking for some support with naming my LinkedIn newsletter. Would love some feedback. i want to talk about simple strategies to leverage technology to grow your online community through a membership or subscription.

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    • So I am thinking : Community Garden- when I look at my joyful board plants is on there and my image from the last retreat was a Tree. Any thoughts?

      • pic of a community garden sounds fine. It’s hard to comment w/o more detail about what you want to acheive

    • what’s the current name? Regardless, I would play off your name, so Reviving Your Communities w/ Reejade. or Reejade’s Revolution Resources for Communities.

      • Hi ! Thank you for the feedback. there is no current name as there is no linkedin newsletter yet 😀 i am trying to create a name for it. i mentioned my goal above which is i want to talk about simple strategies to leverage technology to grow your online community through a membership or subscription.

    • HI – Tech Tips –simplify your online growth

      • OOO- thank you! I was thinking Online Community Made Easy or Online Community Growth Made Easy, OR Online Community Made Simple

    • I just did my first newsletter, and you are very limited as to how many characters you can have in the name. I believe it’s 30 for the name and 120 characters in the description. That being said, I like Grow Your Community Online, and you could make the garden connection in the description. If I saw Community Garden as the name, I would subscribe, thinking it was about gardening.

      • Carrie thank you for your insight! What’s the link to your newsletter I would like to follow. What do you think about this : Online Community Made Easy or Online Community Growth Made Easy, OR Online Community Made Simple

    • @AmyHagar do you mind providing some input here please?



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