• Profile picture of Blair Hope

    Blair Hope

    11 months ago

    Draft of my first email. I am wondering if I should include photos of an aggressive dog, a cat and a horse, and I would like to find a great closing or ending. Feedback appreciated!

    I know as a parent – as much as we love our two and four legged kids, they can sometimes drive us CRAZY, and their behavior can cause some serious stress. And as a former preschool teacher and director, I have seen plenty of human children who were labeled as “acting out”.

    On the suface, this looked like running away from teachers, hitting, aggression, pushing boundaries, screaming, crying, refusal to participate in activities, and even throwing things.

    But when I looked deeper, I saw children who were living in stressful situations. Children whose needs were not being met and who were unable to communicate this, or didn’t feel heard. Children who did not know how to deal with their energy or emotions, or the energy or emotions of their loved ones. I saw children who were scared.

    Children who were struggling.

    I often meet people whose pets have been described as difficult, reactive, aggressive, stubborn or acting like a jerk. Dogs who are aggressive or bark constantly; cats peeing outside the litter box or scratching furniture; horses bucking or refusing.

    What I see are a Pet and Parent who are stressed and don’t know how to fix things.

    I wonder what is happening that is causing that animal to “act out”.

    What I end up discovering are:
    • Pets who have experienced some kind of trauma, either their own or a loved one’s
    • Pets who are scared
    • Pets who are here to bring awareness to their person’s struggles or patterns, or who are learning the same lessons their parents are
    • Pets who have not felt safe in the past
    • Pets whose energy is out of balance
    • Pets who are missing information or are trying to communicate a need
    • Pets who are sensitive to others’ emotions or energy
    • Pets who are feeling their parents’ stress or emotions

    In other words, pets who are struggling too.

    Our pets WANT to be happy, and they want us to be happy!
    There is always an underlying reason for behavior. Once we start to uncover those reasons, then we can start to help our pets (and often ourselves in the process).

    What is your pet’s behavior trying to tell you?

    Let’s talk about they WHY behind your pet’s behavior and how you can help them.
    Schedule a free How To Help My Pet Call here.

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    • I like the parallels you draw from kids acting out and our pets acting out. I can feel you passion for help those pet parents. As for your questions about pictures, do you have any before and after pictures? Or a picture of a “helped” pet? I might even include a before and after story of a pet and parent that you helped. That might actually work as a second email too.

    • Love this copy and it is so relatable to readers (even those of us who don’t have children). It just makes sense. Well done!

    • Hi there – thought I would offer some insights that my sister (a 35+ year veterinarian) used to say about pets & kids….. If the kids walked thru the door and were ill mannered i.e. running all over the place, touching everything — then the pets would act similarly! And of course, vice versa was true — if the kids came into the clinic and were well behaved; so would the kids be. Takeaway – people often treat their pets the same way they treat their kids i.e. boundaries, respect, etc. Great email!!!

About Me

Blair Hope

Animal Communicator & Intuitive, Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner, studying to become a Certified Animal Hospice Care Practitioner



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