• Profile picture of Whitney Doherty

    Whitney Doherty

    9 months ago

    Below is my 4 part nurture sequence and I could use an extra pair of eyeballs just to make sure it is pretty clear. There is no formatting on the wall so sorry if it’s a lot to read visually.

    Email 1 DRAFT (WD) : Lead Magnet + Quick Intro
    Subject Line: FNAME, nice to meet you!
    Preview: [Connected Speakers]

    Note: Send immediately upon resource opt-in

    Hello FNAME –
    You have taken a first step to finishing (fulfilling) your dream and I want to welcome you.
    I’m excited to learn more about your goals and vision to see how we can help bring them to life.
    Firstly, I’m so happy you found “The Git ‘Er Done” Checklist. It’s here for YOU – let’s use it.
    👉 [Click here to download your The Git ‘Er Done Checklist.]
    Oh, by the way. I’m Whitney Doherty.
    If there is only one thing you take away from this first interaction, I’d like you to know this: I think there are dreams hidden in all of us – including YOU – and they need to come to light so the world can be a more dreamy place. A place where anything is possible.
    My BIG goal is to help leaders, coaches, consultants and people who may have neurodivergent brains get the support and camaraderie they need to finish a project on the way to birthing that bigger dream or goal.

    Thanks for joining and let’s “git ‘er done” together,


    P.S. I’m eager to hear from you – in my mind, ‘strangers’ are just people I haven’t met yet. Hit reply please and let me know: What did you get done this week that lit you up?

    Email 2 DRAFT (Wd): best content
    Subject Lines: My best content for you–right now
    Best content to help you now.

    Preview: [NAME OF LEAD MAGNET]
    Note: Send two hours after email 1 is delivered

    Hello FNAME –

    We’re new to each other and while I’m not sure the exact way we’ve connected, I want to put my best foot forward and share some ways I can help you.

    So if you just grabbed your Git ‘Er Done Checklist, without checking out anything else, here is some of my best content I wanted to get into your hands:

    You Are Right on Time – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!!
    The End Is Always The Beginning – 5 steps for self-encouragement.
    Long Year’s Journey into Light – Keep going – you’re further along than you realize

    I hope something here was the reminder you may have needed – you are never too late and you don’t have to do it alone. Thanks for letting me drop into your inbox today.
    I know it’s a special place–and I don’t take it for granted.
    I’m cheering you on,

    P.S. Were you able to dive into The Git ‘Er Done Checklist yet? Hit reply and let me know. I can’t wait to hear from you. If you didn’t get to it – set a time to do so in the next 24 hours. You are worth it and so are your dreams!

    Email 3 DRAFT (Wd) : Newsletter Expectations
    Subject Lines:
    FNAME – Let’s do email together
    FNAME – Doing email together
    FNAME – What to expect here.

    Preview: [NAME OF LEAD MAGNET]

    Note: Send 24 hours after after email 1 is delivered
    Hello, I’m popping in again, FNAME.
    I love all things big vision, wild dreams, and manifesting the life you desire, but I also know it’s easy to get distracted and not know what to do first. Life gets in the way when you don’t set enough time aside to do the work.
    That’s why I created this email newsletter and community.
    I wanted a place for those who really want to bring a dream to life to come together and unite in their passion for getting it done.
    You see, I have this theory about those of us who may be a bit neurodivergent and who are committed to creating the life of our dreams and desires:
    We are a unique bunch. There’s no doubt about that. But we can also get overwhelmed.
    We’re willing to give up the idea that life can only be lived one way –and instead follow our soul’s calling – crooked paths and all. This isn’t always easy in a world that’s paved with straight lines.
    Our dreams often recognize our special talents, sometimes before we do. And most of us have a desire to share our gifts and design a life of our own making. And that means sometimes there isn’t a clear roadmap.
    I firmly believe that setting time to do the work will help you move the needle in bringing your dream to life. I get it, you have signed up for many things with the best of intentions but you just didn’t finish.
    Does this sound like you?
    As your virtual host-with-the-most, it’s my job to ensure all these aspects within this community are brought to life and continuously fed so you can thrive.
    Here is what you can expect as a member of this community:
    Weekly emails from me to help you overcome the hurdles that keeps you from “getting it done”.
    Thoughtfully created offers that help you map out your plan, expand your vision, and set time aside to GET IT DONE, so you can bring that vision to life.
    Like…my Group “Study Hall” Program
    Or…my 1:1 Premier Level Coaching
    If all this sounds like something you could use, then congrats FNAME – you’ve come to the right place.
    You’re the newest member of Get it Done Community – and I am really excited you’re here. You have a dream and together we can bring it to life.
    Please reply I’M ALL IN AND I BET ON MYSELF, so I know you’re feeling good about being here, too.
    P.S. Your consistent commitment holds the power to help people believe in their own dreams and have the courage to bring them to life. Ready to set time to GET IT DONE? Let’s gather for a “map it out” discovery call and see how I can help. You can find a time that works for you here (HYPERLINK to calendar).

    Email 4 DRAFT (Wd): book a call
    Subject Line:
    [When you get a case of the wobbles]

    Preview: [NAME OF LEAD MAGNET]
    Note: Send 72 hours after after email 1 is delivered – then add them to your main list

    Hey, FNAME!
    A few months ago, I stopped writing consistently for my newsletter and noticed I started to get distracted in my work.

    I got a case of the wobbles – you know that feeling when you lose focus and don’t know what to do first? It’s not the first time it has happened but it was the first time I really realized I wanted a solution and could come up with one. And I wanted something I could share with others.

    What did this particular case of “the wobbles” look like?

    Staring at a blank page in my Substack unsure what to write
    Scrolling aimlessly on Instagram procrastinating until the day “timed out”
    Getting distracted looking things up and going down internet rabbit holes

    Ugh! I know we have all been there, as multi-hyphenate entrepreneurs and dreamers it can be hard some days to stay on task.

    And as I look back on this case of the wobbles or any moments of uncertainty, I see :

    Not having a clear plan of my writing relevant to my work and messaging
    Not mapping out my year and quarter writing goals so I don’t stare at a blank page
    Not having a community to support me when I feel myself going off task

    Distracted living and getting a case of the wobbles are an inevitability for many multi-passionate (and/or neurodivergent types of people). And that’s OK, but my goal is to offer solutions and help you find the courage to share your struggles so we can build the life of your dreams.

    But I want to assure you – even experts have bad days, so give yourself an affirming and reassuring pat on the back and let’s keep going.

    It’s useful to remind ourselves that it’s just as easy to get oneself back on track as it is to get distracted. Here are a few things we CAN do to manage “the wobbles”, when they show up:
    Take a pause. Note the waddle and reassess what you are doing right now
    Look at your plans and goals and ask yourself – what is the next right action I can take to move the needle on ONE thing
    Be kind to yourself – beating yourself up will not help you accomplish your tasks or meet your goals.

    To wrap this story up, guess what?

    You can create the life you desire and birth a dream of your own making. And, you can surround yourself with a supportive community to help you do so. By setting time to do the work and asking for help and leaning into accountability, camaraderie and cheerleading – you will get it done.

    I am here to help you believe in yourself, trust the path and take steps toward your goals, so you can finish what you want to do and “birth that dream”.

    Ready to get started?
    Let’s gather for a [NAME OF YOUR DISCOVERY/SALES CALL]. You can find a time that works for you here.
    Note: HYPERLINK the last sentence to your calendar.

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About Me

Whitney Doherty

Consultant & Coach

At my core, I am a creative problem solver, master connector and expansive thinker who works at the intersection of business development, strategy and scale. I love supporting founders with larger visions, accountability and championing dreams.  I'm developing a program I currently call Dream Leader aimed at teasing out those quelled dreams and bringing them to life.


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