Would love feedback on this email I wrote after our session today!
Subject: It’s not about the stuff
Preview: What I’ve learned as a self taught marketer (a series)Hey NAME,
Several years ago, as a new mom learning to juggle a new career and a 1 year old, I found out my job was being eliminated. One of the biggest stressors in life is job loss, and I was not anticipating this bump in the road.
I felt a little panicked at first, but then I realized it was an opportunity to do something I was more passionate about. With a 15 year career in retail management, it was time to get back to the retail world.
I landed a job in corporate retail for a running company, but immediately knew I didn’t fit in.
Because I hate to run.
But as I learned the brand, the product assortment, the customer and the company culture, I realized a fundamental truth about retail sales. About sales in any capacity.
It’s not about the product.
People can buy stuff anywhere. It’s not about the stuff. (stay with me if you’re a service provider, it’s also not about the offer).
The ironic thing is our ideal client was not an elite runner. They were a middle aged mom trying to get back in shape and hoping to finish a 5K. And I could identify with what she was feeling.
It’s all about knowing and seeing your client. Because in an ever connected but disconnected world, people are longing to be seen and heard. You can position your brand as the guide that validates their feelings and leads them to the thing that will make their life better, the product or offer as an ultimate solution.
But you have to see them first, and understand their problems.
Once I knew this it made marketing and content strategy SO EASY, and more effective. I led the marketing team to shift our focus to the ideal customer and their needs and got really clear on the brand’s values and our sales grew over 500% during my tenure.
We’ll be talking about how to position products during the gift giving season next week in the Christmas in July workshop (link: https://www.theconsistencycorner.com/holiday-marketing-strategy ). I’m teaching live on July 17th, at 1pm EST, or you can catch the replay if you register. I’ll see you there!
Keep Sparkling,
p.s. That brand I was leading has continued to grow exponentially, hitting 9 figures in revenue 2 years after I left. I hired and trained the current marketing director and am proud to say they still follow my holiday marketing campaign strategy.
p.p.s. don’t want to wait till holiday to give your content a glow up? I’ve got 2 spots available this month for a Done For You Instagram 3-Grid (link to offer). In one day we can optimize your Instagram profile for sales and show off your brand sparkle with 3 intentional and strategic pinned posts.
I like this… but one tiny change. You need to talk emotion… not brain. Change this line: I landed a job in corporate retail for a running company, but immediately knew I didn’t fit in.
I landed a job in corporate retail for a running company, but immediately felt that I didn’t fit in.