• Profile picture of Blair Hope

    Blair Hope

    7 months, 1 week ago

    Here is my revised first email. Sending it today! Feedback appreciated because I want to write the other three.
    SubJ: Barking or behavior still causing stress?

    If your dog’s barking or reactions are making life stressful, even though you’ve tried to get them to be calm and trust…
    ….it may be because there are hidden reasons for their behavior you are not aware of.

    Here are two reasons this continues to happen:

    • Your dog’s past experiences or an imbalance in their energy make some people or situations FEEL threatening. even though they are perfectly safe.

    • You are accidentally sending them the message that you expect them to bark or react.

    If you are ready to go from Stressed Pet Mom to Happy & Relaxed Pet Mom…

    …then it’s time to schedule a free How To Help Your Pet consult.

    I will ask you a few key questions and do a brief assessment of your pet to identify possible hidden reasons for your pet’s behavior. Then I will show you how I can help your pet feel safe and trust so they CAN behave better.

    You and your pet deserve to be happy together. I can help you get there.

    Talk to your pets…they DO understand you!

    • I’d look to turn the first line around into the want- like “If you’re not feeling calm and trusting around your dog’s reactions”. Or something like that so one can read what it is that they want, rather than what they are currently experiencing, if that makes sense?

      • @lisajohnsvagmail-com and @jaini-shah15gmail-com– Thanks for your feedback! The problem from the client’s pov is that their dog is barking and reacting, and that causes them stress. Definitely the person’s reaction to the behavior is also causing stress and I help them with this during my program, but I have discovered that my clients consistently say the pet is the problem. But I may play with If you’ve tried to get your pet to be calm and trust you, but … I may need to work on the order as you’ve suggested.

      • Jaini, you are getting SOOOOO good at messaging. Keep it up!

About Me

Blair Hope

Animal Communicator & Intuitive, Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner, studying to become a Certified Animal Hospice Care Practitioner



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