• Profile picture of Amy Civica

    Amy Civica

    2 years, 9 months ago

    My Industry Myths….Do my facts make sense?
    Myth: If you could just eat less and exercise more it would solve all your body blues!

    Let me clarify; I say ‘blues” because it’s time we stop saying our body has a “problem” or is “broken”

    Fact: Our thoughts are the strongest part of our body system. When your thoughts are about how you are broken or have a problem…..Your whole body will take on this idea and stop its normal functions to try and find the “problem”

    Fact: 90% of my clients striving to lose weight do not eat enough…therefore their body is trying to talk to them by keeping EVERYTHING they put in their mouth in the body….this includes all the “unfoods and additives” it would normally get rid of.

    Fact: Forcing your body to exercise when your thoughts are “I hate this” or “I don’t like being here” puts your body on alert for a “problem” and you will not receive the full benefits of the exercise and your body will be prone to injury.

    Fact: UNDIGESTED emotions around food inhibit our bodies ability to digest food….even the foods you label “healthy” in your head.

    My Favorite Fact: I can take you on a journey to embrace your relationship with food that will heal your mind, body and soul!

    I have a 1:1 spot open. Are you ready to take this journey with me?

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