• Profile picture of Jaini Shah

    Jaini Shah

    2 months, 4 weeks ago

    Email #4 for my nurture sequence. Do you connect with the story and the points?

    Hey, FNAME!
    A few months ago, I was on holiday in Istanbul, Turkey and everything that could go wrong WENT wrong.
    I got a serious sugar craving and ate a fully processed sugar, gluten and cream loaded baklava – which was kind of unusual considering the number of times I’ve gone on holiday and been totally fine saying no to desserts. (But hey, I’m human!)

    What did this particular sugar craving look like?
    ● I was with family and everyone was talking about the famous baklava that I was missing out on
    ● For 3 days I had been having the back and forth conversation in my head- should I have it or not, this may be the only time I’m in Istanbul, a little taste isn’t going to be the end of the world, but this is gluten AND sugar AND milk which just aren’t functional- IT GOT TIRING
    ● It was an emotional and strange trip as my aunt who was very ill passed away when we landed in Istanbul, I just wanted comfort as my dad, aunts and uncle left for the funeral

    Oy. We have all been there, as foodies and comfort eaters.

    As I reflect back on this interesting moment in my 5+ year food relationship coach career, I realize that I made a few rookie mistakes that day:
    ● I didn’t share with someone how I was feeling, or give myself space to feel the big feelings or get hugs from people around me
    ● I was not drinking enough water to satisfy my thirst hunger
    ● I had not set a clear intention before travelling on what I was open to trying and not trying – this led to decision fatigue

    Emotional eating and cravings are an inevitable part of mindful healthy living. And it has taken courage and vulnerability to share this story, since I am, after all, ahem, the expert.

    But I tell you this today to show you that experts have off days, too.

    It’s useful to remind ourselves of the basics – those things we CAN do to manage our cravings, when it decides to show up:

    ● Being fully hydrated and nutritionally satisfied (fill up on the good stuff so you don’t feel as hungry)
    ● Pause and listen- what are you feeling in the moment, what is it that you really need in this moment, rather than what you want
    ● If you are going to have what you crave after doing the above- eat slowly, mindfully and you’ll notice that a little is enough

    To wrap this story up, guess what?

    I learnt so much about my big feelings that I was holding in as soon as I shared them with my husband, it reminded me the power of talking out loud. It turns out that these experiments can tell us so much about ourselves and that it is not the end of the world. You get to take the next step towards progress in your health journey and that’s what matters.

    I am here to help you understand and navigate your cravings, have a healthy relationship with food and become a master of your thoughts so that you can always have energy to do the things you love and have the mindset to match your goals.

    Ready to get started?
    Let’s gather for a Discovery Chat. You can find a time that works for you here.

    Lets create a phenomenal life,

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    • @amymshannonhernandez-com and @clientsmshannonhernandez-com tagging you as it’s really quiet here in the forum and would love to get momentum on this and get my welcome sequence out. So please share your feedback as we wait for community members

      • Hi Jaini. Thank you for your message.

        The Club wall is set up for peer to peer review, and we encourage you to tag 2 or 3 of your peers when you post asking for feedback. This will hopefully get their attention and get conversations going.

        As you can imagine, Shannon and I do not review every single posted content in this program, as that is reserved for our 1:1 clients in our JoyFueled Business Growth Program. It takes hours of time to work with each client in this way—we hope you understand.

        I also want to encourage you trust yourself. You are doing a great job in the club, and you can rest assured that our templates and frameworks work. The peer support is another layer you can always use, if you want to tag a few peers on the wall.

        Grateful for you,
        ❤️ Amy

    • I liked this a lot Jaini and think it’s quite clear – both the connecting with audience and your invitation for a discovery call. Sorry it’s so quite here – I admit, I forget to log on. Feel free to reach out directly if you want some feedback – wdnyc2014@gmail.com

    • I like this, it’s very relatable. I think this sentence needs a little reworking and learnt should be learned. “I learnt so much about my big feelings that I was holding in as soon as I shared them with my husband, it reminded me the power of talking out loud.”

About Me

Jaini Shah

Food Relationship Coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist

At 30 Jaini felt like she was 60 and knew something had to change. In January 2020 she embarked on a health journey that turned everything around from having more energy, to having normal thyroid function and being happier on a day to day basis. She left her corporate law career and became a Food Relationship Coach and a Rapid Transformational Therapist to help others also rewrite their health stories. She loves to be camping in the bush if she's not coaching, being outdoors and always being curious about how we can be better than yesterday.


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