• Profile picture of JoelElfman


    2 years, 8 months ago

    MythBuster v2 –“Strong Willpower Will Always Trump Emotions”

    Fact 1 – Your unconscious is about 100X faster than your conscious mind. Whatever exercise of will you wanted to make is long gone, before willpower can stop it. Basically, your horse is off to the races, and crossing the finish line, before you can even grab the reins. And way too often, we award ourselves with angst & self-recrimination for a race rigged against us.
    Fact 2- Willpower is about exerting self-control, against emotion, danger or pleasure. Not only does this seem inefficient & challenging, but far too many people seem to be at constant war with themselves, adding stress & turmoil.
    Fact 3- Your willpower is limited. It will raise or lower depending on physical & mental health, vitality, energy levels, stress, trauma, sleep, emotion &/or what else is on your mind.
    Fact 4- Hypnosis slows down your bolting colt, and can even turn off those learned anticipatory responses, beliefs, and habits that you’ve been struggling to have willpower harness. It allows you to reset, and make new and better choices.
    If willpower hasn’t been getting you the wins you want, let’s talk hypnosis. Schedule a discovery call.

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    • Hi Joel, will you have a visual that goes with the text?

      • Hi Malinda, I hadn’t originally considered a visual, I was going to test recording it. I do like your idea though. I could imagine perhaps a horse drawing or two to illustrate. Thanks for the suggestion.

    • Hi Joel! Wonder if using simpler, conversational words would make your piece even more powerful? Win over vs trumps; power through, knee jerk reactions vs anticipatory. Simplify and tighten it up perhaps? Also, perhaps refining your viewpoint; often willpower can only get you so far; then what? Seriously, consider HYPNOSIS — and why? FACT: Client story will power vs hypnosis to the rescue.



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