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    2 years, 8 months ago

    Comments are Welcome!


    For Asian Women Only:
    Make Some NOISE with Your True VOICE!
    How to Build Influence and Impact at Work

    A Transformative Virtual Group Experience – in 5 Days


    1. Call Out and CRUSH your Worst Saboteur
    2. Get CLEAR about What you are Not Voicing that Needs to Be Said
    3. Take CONFIDENT ACTION on your Critical Steps to Exert Greater Influence

    Are you a good fit for this offer?
    Clients who get the best results from this program have these things in common:

    1. You have professional goals that you have a great desire and ambition to achieve
    2. You can name at least 1 issue that you believe is sabotaging your progress, which likely stems from your Asian cultural roots
    3. You may be scared, but want more than anything to FINALLY speak with your full, true voice to build influence in your world
    4. You are willing to learn, grow and take action, step-by-step and with the support of a coach and group, in ways that will significantly and positively impact your life
    5. You feel a sense of connection with Nancy’s message and story, and there may be something of real value for you here

    Are you a good fit for this offer? If so, Click Here to LEARN MORE and REGISTER: http://www.powertothequeen.com/signatureprogram1

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    • Hi Nancy, This is really good for almost any coach. You have a target audience, and you only call out Asian issues in #2, and only very generically. I would go for more specific emotional impact. You’ve experienced hitting some vision of the bamboo ceiling at least once (or more than once), you were told to be quiet, when you knew you shouldn’t, or things like this. What a couple of things that get you or your clients goat? Maybe you could even tie them to your qualifiers #1-restate to include bamboo ceiling, $3- could be told (indoctrinated) to be quiet, ready now to speak out…, etc. Maybe include, ready to join the what was it… the Kick-Ass Lotus Flower Club. LOL!!!

      • Really good input, Joel, thanks! I’m taking away: target their pain a bit more specifically, pointedly; integrate the content of the points so they align and refer/confirm each other. And lastly, the Club idea — I’ve been thinking invite into the club after they’ve had a few initial touches first, yes? Perhaps the free talk, then enroll into my signature program and extend (free) Club invite at the same time, or (paid) Club invite as a next step after the Sig Program. Thanks again, Joel! Will be editing.

        • Glad I could help. Sounds like you’ve got some nice pieces to work on. I think you can phrase it so K-A LFC is aspirational, and not immediate. If you want your ideal client to be in the club, then maybe you want to give them something to move toward. Look at how other folks do it. I’m sure there is better phrasing, abut something like. “Do the work… and imagine joining others in the KA-LFC” might work.

About Me

Nancy Chen

Founder, Power To The Queen!



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