Here is my start for my qualifiers. Feedback welcome.
Our clients are eager to learn how to thrive financially and want the plan, knowledge and guidance to take the right steps in life so they can go on to do what they really want to do without always feeling behind.
This is for you if:
You’re a sole proprietor who figured out the business but can’t seem to figure out how to fit it into your personal financial life
You’re motivated to reach your goals but you have questions about how to get thereyou can’t figure out how to save enough time and money for the big goals in your life such as dream vacations or retirement
You want the plan and knowledge to learn how to get around your obstacles even though you may not know what they are
This is not for you if:
You’re worried about what everyone else thinksYou respect other businesses even if you don’t understand them
You’re not willing to put in the work to see results
Every month you’re robbing the business to pay your personal bills
About Me
Julianne Miller
Brenda Uekert
“You’re motivated to reach your goals but you have questions about how to get there”
What goals? Personal? Business? Financial?