• Profile picture of Annette Presley

    Annette Presley

    2 years, 3 months ago

    would love some feedback. Is it compelling?

    Here is a key reason your hormones are behaving badly, even though you are eating a healthy diet and taking DIM.

    Your minerals are out of whack. You have too much iron and not enough copper.
    What do I mean by that?

    None of us wants to bust our butt at the gym, eat kale, and take a boatload of supplements to improve our health if we still feel like crap. I mean, if we want to keep feeling like crap, we could just sit on the couch all day eating bon bons (which taste a whole lot better than kale).

    Here’s the thing. Your healthy diet might not be providing the nutrients you need to help copper do its job. If copper can’t do its job, iron is going to get stuck in your tissues and age you from the inside out.
    This can be frustrating, painful, and leave you dragging like boobs without a bra wondering who is going to pick you up off the floor.

    If you have read this far, this next segment is for you.

    A client came to me for some relief from chronic pain. She had been scheduled to have a hysterectomy but had to cancel because she lost her insurance. She didn’t know what to do, but she desperately wanted the pain to stop.

    So, I dove into her diet and did some mineral testing, and sure enough, she was deficient. I had her change a few things in her diet and take a few key supplements to help balance her minerals.

    Six months later, she had insurance again, but she no longer needed a hysterectomy. BAM!

    Yes, she is pain free!

    Yes, she gets to spend her money on something fun instead of surgery!

    Yes, she thinks clearer, has more energy, and feels amazing!

    In less than 6 months, she felt better than she had in decades. Imagine if she had just kept doing what she was doing. She would have 6 more months of pain plus a surgery which means more pain and the potential for long term problems. Removing an organ is no walk in the park and it doesn’t resolve the root cause.

    If you have been eating healthy, exercising, and taking all the supplements, but you still feel like crap or you just don’t quite feel like yourself, chances are you are missing out on some key nutrients. Following the Revived Woman Protocol can help you think clearer, have more energy and less pain, and balance your hormones rather quickly.

    If you’d like help solving your hormone, mood, or fertility issues (which are BIG issues costing you time, money, joy, and your sanity) DM me and we can chat about how to get your life back and feel like yourself again so you can enjoy the best years of your life.

    I’m here for you.

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    • taking DIM? It’s a powerful story. Not sure you need this at the end – (which are BIG issues costing you time, money, joy, and your sanity). You’ve unearthed those pieces in your story.

    • instead of taking DIM, you can just mention supplements in general. Plus, DIM & DM are somewhat similar, someone skimming might not pay enough attention.



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