Content Personality Club logo

Get seen. Get known. Get clients.


Join us to create marketing content that calls in your ideal clients.

If you are a coach, consultant, or service-based business owner who has already developed a program/course/offer that you want to sell more of…you’re in the right place!

How many of the below statements are true for you right now?

  • Do you have a mission to help others with your wisdom and expertise?
  • Do you want an effective and joyful way to attract your ideal clients?
  • Do you believe the program/course/offer you have developed changes your clients’ lives?
  • Do you feel like you are “winging it” when you create your own organic marketing content?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, we can’t wait to welcome you into the Content Personality® Club!

In this 12-month messaging mentorship program, we co-create organic marketing content that…

  • Positions you as the best solution to your client’s most pressing problem.
  • Inspires and activates your audience, so they purchase from you.
  • Deepens the relationship you have with your existing and new community.
  • Feels joyful and energetically aligned with you and your mission.


We accomplish this content creation together, in as little as 3 hours/month. Talk about JOY!

“As a Live/In-Person Content Personality® who focuses on online/digital events, I desired to find the right support to make my business offers shine. The sense of community in The Club is just wonderful. Everyone is there to support one another and cheer each other on. 

If you’re not using the right words and honing in on your unique talents and skills (based on your Content Personality®), it’s almost like you’re just treading water!”

As a result of The CPC, my website has new gorgeous graphics showcasing my offers with so much more clarity and BRILLIANCE! I feel proud of my work, know that the words I’ve used are IMPACTFUL, and that I am aligned with the right audience I want to gather for Living Luna.”


Queer Spiritual Mentor

“I didn’t realize I was getting such bad advice form other programs until I started the Content Personality® Club. Before joining The CLUB, my business felt like groundhog day with messaging and marketing that just didn’t work. I’ve stopped paying for useless Facebook ads and now create messaging that matters–it actually reflects who I am and what I offer the world.

I think one of the things I enjoy most about the club is that it feels like I belong here. Shannon and Amy know my name and they know what I do! This is a club that grows with your needs, supports your ideas and helps you be motivated to create messaging that calls in your aligned audience.”


Parenting Coach

You might believe that in order to sell your offer to your ideal clients, you need to…

  • Resort to paying for ads.
  • Create more content.
  • Send more emails.
  • Join another social media platform.
  • Spend more time marketing your business, than actually working with your dream clients.

Well guess what?

(Get ready for a truth bomb.)

When your messaging is working for you, it does 90% of the heavy lifting in your business.

How will you know when your messaging is working?

  • You GROW an ALIGNED audience who can’t wait to work with you.
  • You INCREASE your sales because your community knows, likes, and trusts you.

Don’t believe us yet?

Let’s pull back the curtain and show you the messaging, stories, and engagement our CLUB students have created…

Shoshanna hosts IG giveaways to grow her audience!

Minette shares behind-the-scenes stories on IG video.

Nina uses polls to identify “handraisers” and make sales.

In The Content Personality® Club, we show you how to leverage your Content Personality® – so that you create organic marketing content that connects and converts.

Without further ado, you’re invited to join…

The Content Personality® Club

The Content Personality® Club is a 12-month Messaging Mentorship program designed to help you get seen, get known, and get clients. We gather virtually for messaging creation sessions, peer collaboration circles, and ongoing support and guidance. Shannon and Amy are world-renowned experts in mission-driven messaging, sales copywriting, and content and story marketing.


The End Result?

Your messaging will transform from blending in to standing out. You will learn how to craft messaging and content that calls in your community and clients.

You will increase your confidence, so you publish quality, dynamic content with more consistency and ease.

You will activate your audience and deepen community relationships — simply because your messaging, stories, and content capture their hearts and minds.

We use a 3 Step Process to help you create messaging that stands out…

1 Monthly CREATE Session

where you’ll create messaging that turns heads, stops the scroll and attracts your ideal clients.

1 Monthly CONVERT Session

where you’ll co-work and receive laser coaching on your messaging and content, so you feel confident and hit that publish/send button!

1 Monthly CONNECT Session

where you will dive deeper into your Content Personality®, discovering how to make you unforgettable.


where you can ask for feedback from your peers and collaborate and network with others in THE CLUB.

We’ll meet the first three Wednesdays of each month at 12p ET for an hour of laser focus and fun. We gather in community to help you you create KIND, MISSION-DRIVEN MESSAGING that grows your audience and deepens community relationships.

Plus, you’ll finally understand how to leverage your unique Content Personality® so that you stay in your JOY zone when it comes to messaging, copywriting, and content creation.

The investment for this 12-month Messaging Mentorship program is $3600.

Your pay-in-full bonus is a Joyful Business Expansion Card Deck!

To make sure you have EVERYTHING you need to stay in action and rediscover the joy in creating content, you’ll also get access to a couple of special bonuses when you choose the annual pay-up-front plan…

Bonus: Joyful Business Expansion Card Deck

Experience swoon-worthy, creative content via snail mail!

When you join The Content Personality® Club and choose the annual plan, Shannon will be gifting you her beautiful Joyful Business Expansion card deck. This deck is infused with love and joy, and includes journal prompts and inspiring original artwork to help you Grow with Alignment & Flow.

“Since join The CLUB, my messaging feels on brand with my mission and vision–and my content is way more dialed in and focused. There are more people interacting and engaging with my content.  Please join us! There is no other place that is going to help you break down the messaging strategy, help you create your the messaging (in your own style), and show you how to distribute the content using your Content Personality®!”


Memoir Coach

“I joined The Club because I had a disconnect between my offerings and the people I intended to reach. I needed help with messaging that would attract my target audience. 

The Club gives me “big picture thinking” with small actionable tools like how to craft and convey my message. 

For example, I had to step back and think about my Values. This one exercise provided me tangible results: I realized how I stand out from my competition (I’m a financial coach who values FUN), and I have now incorporated my values into my website, promotional videos, social media posts, and emails.”


Financial Coach

Meet Your Content Personality® Club Mentors

M. Shannon Hernandez and Amy Hager are ALL ABOUT THAT JOY in life and biz—and this duo is specifically known around the globe for their joyful marketing strategies, including the Content Personality® Wheel. They specialize in teaching their clients how to create values-driven, organic marketing oozing with integrity, so that they call in their perfect-fit clients with a simple, sustainable, and joyful marketing plan.

Shannon is the founder of Joyful Business Revolution™, the Co-Founder the Content Personality® Club, and a sought after expert in the world of marketing and business strategy. She has been called “The Queen of Organic Marketing”, growing nearly a $1 million dollar/year brand with zero ad spend and high profitability. Her expertise has been featured on CBS, ABC, FOX, and NBC. She has over 25 years in award-winning curriculum design, working with both the NFL & U.S. Military, and she is a master trainer and teacher.

Amy, a true marketer and community builder at heart, and Co-Founder of The Content Personality® Club, helps clients apply simple strategies for increased revenue and productivity. When this dynamic duo is not working with their clients, you will find them funding projects that impact the world and its people, visiting wineries, and traveling the world.

Imagine how much different your business could look if…

You created and published the binge-worthy content you WISH existed in the world.

People felt moved, inspired, and energized by your mission and helped you spread it.

New aligned audience members joined your community based solely on a piece of content that moved them to take action.

You rediscovered what it felt like to have FUN with your messaging and content again.

We also know that messaging is probably not your gift.
(And that’s okay, it’s ours!)

Sue reached out because she needed to build a 6-figure blogging business – but there was just one small problem. She was enrolled in The Witness Protection Program and could not use her birth name, face, or any other identifying factors that would put her in further danger. So, we got to work! After taking the Content Personality™ Quiz, she discovered she was video. We used a type of content called screencast to capture her voice-over prepared slides and graphics. In just under a year, Sue built a thriving 6-figure business teaching others how to blog—and she never showed her face or gave away her identity. (Fun Fact: She bought exclusive rights to a “stock image” persona – and that was the workaround for the headshot issue!)

Connie was having trouble generating qualified leads for her coaching business. She was offering online training –but was not finding joy or traction in this type of sales event. After taking the quiz, Connie discovered she was Live-In Person.

We immediately helped her with a marketing and selling strategy to leverage her Content Personality™. She began hosting intimate workshops and retreats in her hometown. After her first 2 day event—she closed $24k in sales!

FAQs + Logistics

"Who is The Content Personality® Club for?"

The CLUB is for:

  • Business owners (online or brick and mortar) who have deep expertise, but struggle to talk about it in a way that makes sense to others.
  • Experts (coaches, consultants, speakers, authors, and service-based business owners) who know that real success in business is built on a foundation of powerful messaging and little wins that add up over time.
  • Collaborators who crave community and know that we are stronger together. 
  • Curious business owners who want to play and experiment with their messaging and marketing, so you can find out what works for your business.
  • People who want to fall in love with content creation and who DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!
“Who is The Content Personality® Club not for?"

The CLUB is not for you if you: 

  • Don’t know what your business sells
  • Want to go “viral”
  • Want to be internet famous 
  • Need sales from 1000s upon 1000s of people to make your business profitable
  • Are looking for overnight business success, formulas, magic pills, or quick fixes 
  • Resonate with “bro marketing” tactics, manipulating people, or using want to us pain-point messaging in your marketing
  • Want to cold DM or cold call people to sell your services


"What the heck is a Content Personality®?"

Great question! Your Content Personality® is YOUR natural and unique way to create effective content that grows an aligned audience and deepens community relationships

That means:

  • No more messy marketing. 
  • No more wondering how in the world to connect with your audience. 
  • No more jumping from one thing to the next. 

Are you ready to use your Content Personality® to create messaging and marketing that empowers others? Let’s go!

Need to discover YOUR Content Personality® type? Click here to take the three minute quiz.

"How much time do I need to commit for this program?"

Thank you for asking this question. The success of anything means we make the time to learn and implement – and your messaging and marketing is no different! Can you find 60 minutes 3x per month to show up, so that you create mission-driven messaging that grows your audience? We bet you can!

“Why is the committment 12 months?”

We’ve designed this program to help you through the stages of becoming known, becoming seen and being hired for your expertise! You’ve been in business long enough to know messaging work takes time. That’s why one of the core values we have here is that you are in business for the long game. Success takes time, and this community is designed to walk with you through the ups and downs of growing your audience AND a profitable and sustainable business. when you commit to a year of experimenting with your messaging and marketing–you will see progress! We are excited to support you on this journey. 

"What happens after 12 months?"

You can decide whether to renew your program for another year.

“How do I access the live sessions, the replays, and the community feedback and discussions?"

We have built a beautiful and easy-to-navigate Content Personality® Club portal you are going to love!

  • All live sessions are delivered via Zoom. Join us from your computer or your phone.

  • All replays are housed in our program portal. You can watch them at any time that is convenient for you. (Yes, this also means you get all the previous recorded sessions once you join!)

  • Our community forum is housed within our program portal. 

Come have fun with us!

“What if I’m already working with a business or marketing coach?”

Yay! We love double dippers! The Content Personality® Club will support you as you work alongside your business or marketing coach. The good news? You’ll never have to tell them again you were out of ideas for marketing, didn’t have time to create the content, or were feeling uninspired with your messaging. It’s a win for you- a win for them-and a win for your community!

"What if I don't yet have a program, course, or online offer yet?"

Well, let’s get that developed first–so that you can come back to THE CLUB and create mission-driven messaging and content that grows your aligned audience.

We can help you develop your offer. Email Amy at to setup a brainstorming call.

"What if I don’t have a big email list or a large following on social media?"

This program works for you no matter what level you’re at because it’s about evolving from exactly where you are at this moment. Most people think you need a big email list or large social following. This is a myth and far from the truth. You can create big results from a smaller following and/or email list. THE CLUB is designed to help you create mission-driven messaging, story content, and expert content that grows your aligned audience. So, as you create this messaging, your email list and social media following are both growing! Isn’t it refreshing that there’s no waiting until your email list hits 1k, or you have over 10k followers? With the methods and strategies we teach, you’re growing your audience from day ONE.

“Are there any physical products included?”

Yes! When you pay-in-full you will be gifted a swoon-worthy Joyful Business Expansion card deck designed by Shannon!

"Can I talk to someone before I purchase to make sure this program is a good fit for me?"
"Can I cancel my program and get a refund?"

THE CLUB is a 12-month commitment, and we do that because it’s the best way to support your business and maintain a stable community who has your back! In extreme cases, we may consider canceling your membership or refunding you a pro-rated amount, but that will be decided on a case-by-case basis. You are joining because you want a joyful approach to messaging. You want a community, quality instruction, good vibes! Your results are drastically affected by your commitment and willingness to play full out, go all in, and be coachable. We are community who believes that #TogetherWeRise. We are here to help you succeed–and we can’t wait to work with you!