Could someone double-check, I think the video posted for CPC is not from Wed
s 3/1 CPC. Either that or I may be experiencing strange shifts in my reality. -
Did 1st social post for 1 month campaign for Movement for Change (Winning Workshop)- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/joel-elfman-bodymind-hypnotic_change-confidence-anxiety-activity-7036562082305077248-zg5F?
Landing page – https://mailchi.mp/a4843e67b503/vjlp7j2xpp
Looking good! I don’t quite understand the scale of 1 – 10 for what confidence feels like. How good it feels? Please include a time zone for the workshop in your post and on the landing page. Love the image of the kitty looking in the mirror! Is there a way to get a higher resolution photo?
Thanks so much Ruth! I will definitely include the TimeZone. The kitty-lion image one used to be found all over google images. I will look for a higher resolution version. And I will examine the numbering again, and see if I can make it more relatable or look at dropping it. Thanks again for all the great feedback.
Thank you to all for the very valuable feedback. Here is my revised post
I believe that we all could use more time to connect with ourselves. To be able to slow down, disconnect from the world, and tap into our heart’s desires.
Introducing my newest service! An hour and a half of energy work infused with hair and scalp treatments i…Read More
My 3 step process….
Group Breath Sessions are back!
‘Breath is the voice of your soul’
The next group breath session will be taking place on Sunday, February 19th 2-4:30 pm.
During a group breath experience you’ll FOCUS on your intension – what would you like to release or invite into yur life?
You’ll then be guided to SURREND…Read More -
Here is a version of my article attempting to incorporate my 3-part process. Might be a little long.
“How’s Your Wabi-Sabi?”
In Japan, wabi-sabi is the philosophy of embracing that which is flawed and imperfect. While this often was applied to craft, we could easily apply it to ourselves, our life, and those around us. Many modern & ancie…Read More
Thanks Amy! With that encouragement, no pokey fence for me, today. Just published to LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/posts/joel-elfman-bodymind-hypnotic_wabisabi-hypnosis-embraceyourflaws-activity-7028480810450067456-snpk? LOL!!!
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Karen Joy Fritz
Stephanie Zoernack
You are correct Joel unless we’re in that same altered eality. 🙂