• Profile picture of ALYSSALUCCARI


    6 months, 1 week ago

    Professional organizer, here. I am totally stuck on the 4 problems I solve!
    Here are my brainstorming thoughts: tripping over shoes at the door, managing the bazillion papers you want to keep but can’t find the one paper you need, lack of motivation or inspiration to organize your space, change the “someday” projects to a “now” project.
    Are those specific and clear?

    • Go simple. Tripping over shoes at the door and Managing the bazillion papers but you can’t find the ONE you need.
      Complete the next steps and let’s see what you got 💜

    • Subject: Are you tripping as you try to get out your door?

      Is a clear path to and from your door a dream?

      …it may be because shoes pile up along with backpacks, sports equipment, and work bags.

      There are 2 reasons this continues to happen:
      1) Everyone needs “quick out the door” items handy and their closets are already full.
      2) No one has categorized the stuff to see what is really hanging out there.

      If you ready to go from a frazzled family to a bright and happy family….

      now is the time to join the Bright and Happy Life Mentorship.

      This mentorship will guide you through your own personal process of getting organized with clear, kind messaging. Its like having a professional organizer in you back pocket!

      • The first sentence doesn’t really fit with the 2nd sentence. Maybe something like: If you dream of being organized, but are tripping over shoes and backpacks when you walk out the door…it may be because you don’t have an easy grab and go and put back system that is convenient to use.

        There are 2 reasons this continues to happen:

    • I think the problem you solve for is that an organized home gives people a more peaceful container to create from. An organized home allows us to rest when we are home and that helps us function better when we are not. An organized home helps us feel joy in our surroundings and this is better than the chaos which can drain us in a disorganized home

      • Whitney, I love your wording! But wonder if it is specific enough. It will be interesting to see Amy’s @amymshannonhernandez-com response.

        • Try putting it into the template and see if it flows. But, for now… go with what is easy to get something out there. 😉 Whitney’s suggestion will be fun.
          Run with what you have above for the tripping over stuff out the door.

    • Interesting! The problems I feel with a disorganised space- feel my mind is cluttered and can’t work properly, always feel like I’m busy when the space is disorganised, don’t know how I would even start to organise so I can feel better.
      On your draft email, the first sentence and the second line don’t seem to connect. The dream is great, but how does it tie to the problem? Maybe re-organising (😉) it to something like “If the path to your front door is not clear and free of clutter, it may be because shoes pile up along with backpacks, sports equipment, and work bags….”
