Where have you shared your Core Value Statements? Please, post here on the wall the link to your website, social media, newsletter, blog, presentation, video – wherever you have used these. I want to share everyone who posts a link on the wall on my personal social media pages. If you don’t post it here on the wall, I can’t share it ❤️
Great session today! Next week, be ready to share where you published your brand commitment, and let’s dive into some of the other ways you can use this. Great brainstorming today ❤️
Don’t forget to post your Brand Commitment Statements here today so Shannon can review them tomorrow ❤️
Who has put their content out into the World so we can review it all tomorrow and have a brainstorming session on next leveling your content??
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Brenda Uekert

Annette Presley

I have not completed mine, but will place it on LinkedIn for starters.