Hey there! Slight delay in the replay. Please go here to view it from Wed’s meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/crFMhOydLdoe5adiLdrlDlDXL63uRj9xGrP8DMJYFWDdW0TXSqU3JyBI3CRhHI1x.kK1nz_SgV67UMMs4
Great meeting today! Here are the links of examples that Brea shared with us today + @diana-lidstonegmail-com‘s…Read More
Thanks! I mixed the “before vs after” program exercise, with the Bold Qualifiers…
The people who get the best results:
Before (bold qualifiers)
Over 70k annual household income, but maybe aside from some 401k funds, not really building wealth
Find budgeting frustrating, useless, or both.
Make monthly debt payments besides a mortgage.
Give no…Read More
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Brenda Uekert
Annette Presley
Had a consult call yesterday – first time I have spoken with someone where I said right up front that my single session is no longer for sale… that the longer program is needed to get results! I used my bold qualifiers to describe the people who achieve the best results from working with me. He and his wife took lots of notes and were…Read More