Here’s my ‘beyond your bio’ email. Any feedback is welcome!
How coming out of a cult…
Led me to think outside the boxDid you know I grew up in a cult that God changed from the top down (so the cult doesn’t exist anymore), and coming out gave me the ability to make connections that can help people heal faster?
Losing my religion was one…Read More
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it! I feel like I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Most women I run into really resonate with the feeling like crap and gaslighting, but there are some who don’t. So, lol, I guess I will just have to decide which group I want to work with. Maybe I can alternate my approach, but I don’t know if that’s…Read More
I agree with Kathy. I love it all – except that part just felt a little too on the nose. As someone with a lifelong chronic medical condition that was only diagnosed 8 years ago, I had many caring doctors who didn’t know what to do with me. They just didn’t have the information. Maybe you can acknowledge both situations so that someone doesn’t…Read More
The first part of your email is great, captivating story and helps a reader understand how you have an open mind. I’m finding it hard to relate the sentence “If you are tired of feeling like crap, being gaslit by your doctor, and being told nothing is wrong with you because your labs are normal, let’s talk.” to everything else you have said in y…Read More
Here’s my email/post. Is it specific enough, make sense and is it compelling? If not, what suggestions or questions do you have? Thanks!
If you have seen more than 3 doctors and still feel like crap…it may be because conventional medicine can’t give you any answers for your symptoms until your labs are at the level of diagnosis.
There are t…Read More
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4 Emails – book a call — Would love your feedback pls!!! (my ideal clients wants to go from overworked, underpaid business owner -Chief Everything Officer — to a well paid CEO of a well running business machine.) Here you go…..
1) HOOK/SUBJECT line: Working 24/7 and still feel broke?
Preview: let’s chat
Hello first name
I see y…Read More
I am pushing you here… working 24/7, hustling on weekends & evenings and yet despite being overworked, you still feel broke – does not bridge over well to #2: Your marketing and content doesn’t position your solution as the BEST solution for your audience.
I know you have better ones to choose from that will speak to the overworked/under p…Read More
Love Email 2 and 4! For Email 3 I feel like there are 2 opening sentences. Maybe just pick one sentence and focus on what their want is which they don’t have. Like “If you’re not feeling like you know exactly what to do and all your juggling balls are in a line, it may because you’re spending too much time on non-revenue generating activities”.…Read More
Hi everyone, I’m back and looking forward to getting reacquainted, meeting new people, lifting each other up.
I’m a dietitian/functional nutritionist, Root Cause Protocol Consultant, ThetaHealer, author, and speaker and my content personality is writing, so yay for me, lol. I help women in early perimenopause who have been gaslit by…Read More
Hey @annettepresleyhotmail-com – so happy you are here! Could you tell us what some ideas for your vehicle are? It would be helpful to see the variations in the statement from the workshop for context!
I had energy producing habits, bioenergetics, energy supporting therapy, but I don’t know that I like any of them.
Would you rather take a Business Self-Assessment or a Business Freedom Audit? (my lead magnet) FYI – I help Chief Everything Officers stop getting stuck in the day to day running of their business and step into their true role of Visionary CEO so they can build a self-running biz engine.
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Brenda Uekert

Annette Presley

Annette- this is great! I was with you util this sentence; If you are tired of feeling like crap, being gaslit by your doctor, and being told nothing is wrong with you because your labs are normal, let’s talk. Maybe something like if you have unanswered questions, are not being heard, feel like there are more options than what have been d…Read More