Here is the image I created for my 3-Step Process. I kept using wooden mannequins to work with the images of my core values.
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and 2 others
Who wants to get together tomorrow to dive deeper into ways to share our 3-Step Process?
Here is the link:
Topic: Brainstorming with fellow Content Personality Members
Feb 10, 2023 10:30
Feb 17, 2023 10:30Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84531041356?pwd=YzNZaHUrWE9lSlh0cGdBOVJCM0RxQT09Meeting ID: 845 3104 1356
Passcode: 4029984 Comments -
I published my 3 step process in my latest newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/058fed50ac84/german-news-5386408?e=87357eb8af. Thanks to the suggestions in yesterday’s meeting, I added some images before sending it out.
Thank you to all for the very valuable feedback. Here is my revised post
I believe that we all could use more time to connect with ourselves. To be able to slow down, disconnect from the world, and tap into our heart’s desires.
Introducing my newest service! An hour and a half of energy work infused with hair and scalp treatments i…Read More
My 3 step process….
Group Breath Sessions are back!
‘Breath is the voice of your soul’
The next group breath session will be taking place on Sunday, February 19th 2-4:30 pm.
During a group breath experience you’ll FOCUS on your intension – what would you like to release or invite into yur life?
You’ll then be guided to SURREND…Read More - Load More Posts
Brenda Uekert
Annette Presley