Thanks, Joel; good food for thought. My goal is to BOTH start building an audience of leads and prospects within my target profile of women and Asian women leaders. It sounds like a good next step for me may be to record a couple of different versions with a range of tones, strong to neutral, and ask my current and past clients for their…Read More
Based on sharing this during the Content Personality Club, and some very helpful feedback, I cut this version down. And if I go to the new title, I’ll probably cut the entertainment hypnosis paragraphs further. At most, I’ll give this thing one more go around, before I finally get it out the door. It’s time to get to the next one. 🙂
PSA v7 -…Read More-
Hi Joel, don’t know why my prior comment isn’t showing up here, but this reads very well to me. You dive deeper into the approach and process you take with your clients and I understood the value of what you have to offer clearly; and the tone is assuringly encouraging. Bravo! Say, would you give me some feedback on my latest video blog? I posted…Read More
Here is the latest version of my PSA. V6 if you can believe it. Hopefully, it is getting cleaner & clearer.
PSA – I Have a Love/Hate Relationship w/ Entertainment Hypnosis
– I hate when an entertainment hypnotist uses the model and myth kept alive by so many movies, books, and videos that the hypnotist control someone’s mind. It makes people a…Read More -
Here’s my video on Linkedin, in case the youtube video is not accessible. Thanks for feedback!
I could use some feedback on the PSA copy I wrote. I feel like I’m rambling and not hitting all the key points. Thoughts?
PSA: You do not need to win awards or Amazon Bestselling status for your book to be worth reading, valuable, impactful, or powerful.
I went to a networking event recently and was put into a zoom room with a couple…Read More
You’ve got a ton of quality elements in here. Some thoughts here are similar, so you might consider cutting it down, but I’m not sure it’s necessary. It’s pretty compelling content, I don’t think there would be any bad choices about what to cut or if you kept it all. You could experiment with giving yourself a word count or paragraph limit,…Read More -
Coming back to the title. It didn’t capture my attention, the way your content does, and you’ve got some great lines in your content that I think you could adapt.
For example:
“The Amazon Bestsellers Award: It’s a stamp of approval from the algorithm Gods not a stamp of value.
“An Amazon Bestsellers Award is great, but is your book compellin…Read More -
Hey @allytwprt-com – I love this piece! Like Joel said – I’d start with a title at the top that just packs a punch. well done!
Agree you can say the same thing in much fewer words 🙂 And maybe focus more on what the ABS stamp really is – maybe that is another post…. It is people giving their book away for 99cents (audio only) to get enough ‘purchases’ for the algorithm to bump it. For those of us what have been around the block a bit – know it truly has no meaning,…Read More
Hi Ally, I really appreciated your point of view in this piece; it gave me information I found useful to keep in mind, and I felt quite encouraged too, I was, however, not sure what your product/service offering is and how it will benefit me — may want to land these points more firmly. “I’m in the business of writing quality books and focusing o…Read More
continued… very good; so how does it serve me to get your help writing a great book vs going for the Amazon bestseller award? And can you share a client example? Would love to read more on that (I hope to write a book myself sometime). Thanks for reading, Ally!
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Brenda Uekert
Annette Presley
Hi Nancy, thanks for your most recent comments on my PSA. Watching and reading your latest. I think this is very well done. There are a few places where I might edit or switch statement vs. question or the other way around. I think you are getting more relaxed, more natural, and there was a wider emotional range in your voice in this video. Ray…Read More