• Profile picture of Ann Becks

    Ann Becks

    11 months ago

    CONNECT post from this month- mistakes (althought the mistake is buried)… bigger issue is I’ve posted 3 times on SM with different topics and had NO engagement… kinda discouraged. 😕 I’d love some feedback on this post. My niche is burnout in women healthcare professionals. Thank you! @clientsmshannonhernandez-com @amymshannonhernandez-com

    Are you a woman in the healthcare professions feeling exhausted or verging on burnout? This is for you.

    Burnout is rampant… and there’s massive responses by institutions to stop burnout and fill the growing chasm of positions that need to be filled.

    Some of you may still be passionate about the work you do- you want to do the work… but just not in the way you have been.

    Some feel like some of the spark has dimmed, but if something could be different about the way you work, you’d like to rekindle the love.

    And for some, the spark has gone out and you’re not sure what to do.

    I see you all. I burned out after 35 years in healthcare. I so relate and my heart breaks to see such beautiful women feeling torn away from work that lit them up.

    Here’s what i know… there IS a different way. BUT, it won’t be found at the institutional level.

    The system is broken. The needs are endless.

    I’m going to get real with you here… so, if you are hoping for some sexy fix or quick turnaround, I invite you to stop listening and do something beautiful for yourself. You deserve it.

    If however, you really want to prevent or heal from burnout, then stay.

    And I’m sure you know that a day at the spa, a vacation, an onsite exercise room or a wellmeaning token from HR won’t change your situation.

    Neither will digging deeper, hoping for a different outcome… hoping that things will change.

    So, let’s stop pretending that it will.

    You hold the key to turning the tides of burnout. Yes, YOU.
    And it means you have to do something different than you’ve always done.

    Burnout is a reflection of many patterns and ways of being and relating that show up across your daily life.

    If you keep doing what you are, burnout is inevitable.

    And if you’re burned out, on a leave of absence, unless you correct the root cause of burnout, it will happen again.

    The problem is NOT the work. The environment triggers familiar ways of responding and relating.

    The solution to burnout is to change the patterns and habits that have you OVERgiving, OVER committing, and OVERworking despite the inner protest you feel, despite the exhaustion.

    Your body and mind are giving you clues to this slippery slope to burnout… resentment, anger, frustration, conflict, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, excess alcohol or other substances reflect resistance to what you don’t want to feel.

    The truth is, you can live and do the work you love feeling rested, calm, vibrantly alive and deeply fulfilled.

    If you’re leaning in, nodding your head or feeling the resonance of this, come join me on Wednesday February 28th at 11am Eastern where I’m hosting an open-hearted conversation about burnout. This will be a virtual interactive event. Send me a DM for the invite.

    I’m on a mission to turn the tides of burnout in healthcare. I hope you’ll join us and please tag or share this with another friend or colleague. Send me a DM for the invite.

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    • I’m not sure I have the answer on engagement on SM yet…I don’t think people like to READ much there – perhaps doing that as a carousel would help – but for email I like this writing here.

    • Know that even if someone is not engaging. They are still lurking. You will say something that hits their heart and they will feel seen and reach out. Don’t stop and keep showing up for them – but also yourself. ❤️
      I know this isn’t easy, but 3 posts isn’t ‘that many’. You keep getting clearer and clearer as you communicate and stay in conversation.


Keep in touch


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