Updated my Mission, Vision & Purpose (using the module in CPC). Would love your feedback! Thank you!
PURPOSE: Universal truth: WHY am I in business?
**Women empowered to live fully, true to themselves, create potent impact in their families, communities, business and the world.
VISION: the HOW, public facing (on Home Page, in contracts, Signature in email), “build a movement” language; lasts 10-20yrs
**We believe, when you live true to yourself, you inspire others to claim their sovereignty which creates powerful impacts in the world.
MISSION: never shared outside biz, internal use only; position in niche/ market; meant to be changed with growth; max 3 year lifespan; the WHAT; specific
**Within the next 3 years, Ann Becks to a $500K international (Canada, USA, Europe) mentoring and teaching company specializing in burnout prevention for women leaders.
@diana-lidstonegmail-com Love to connect with you!! And Welcome to the Club!!
@amymshannonhernandez-com I’ll chat with you about this in our call today!! Thanks for the question.


Anthea Mumby

Hey Ann – would love to connect as I’m also on a mission to eradicate burn out – but mine is with small business owners, especially women! Hope to see you on a call – I’ve just joined the Club!