KerstinPeters is with Susanlazar hart and 2 others
Here are my improved core values. Thank you Daniela, Susan and Joel.
Creativity: I believe everyone is imaginative. Creative expression provides a powerful bridge when language barriers arise.
Community: I believe teamwork provides support and inspiration. Participation becomes fun and encourages accountability.
Connection: I believe bu…Read More
thank you @kpetersdomingoinformatics-ca i’ll be there..
My newsletters with my core values are out:
https://mailchi.mp/cb1ebbbc3530/german-news-5382224?e=87357eb8af for my Weekly German News
I decided to make ART the umbrella for teaching art and German. To simplify, the main content for both communications is identical.
I also will announced on FB that I will go live tomorrow at 2:30 PM: https://www.facebook.com/LearnGermanThroughArt/posts/pfbid0J9198MPkcnWnBYZiB4QRdLZcisKYQVzd3WSh4uRC3YtXMdMDfLWzLc61R33z26V2l
Hi Kerstin, I think these look really good. My only suggestion is some of the sentences in your Core Values get a little confusing. Content wise they are fine, I would break them down into shorter sentences. Other than that great job.
So I did a quick & direct FB w/ my Core Values. I feel like there is probably a better way to do it, but the pokey fence was getting fierce on me tendeh bits. 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10228488225131689&set=a.1203932939509
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and DanielaBorgialli
Do you need support with your core values and where to post them? Join us on Friday for a brainstorming session.
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Members
Time: Jan 13, 2023 10:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89734522836?pwd=WWMxNG5Sc0gydWRQSlMydDdvcWlNdz09Meeting ID: 897 3452…Read More
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Nancy Jackson
Jean Berry, Business Game Expert
Stephanie Zoernack
thanks- will be there