• Hello everyone, I am excited to be part of the club. I am looking forward to getting to know you better. I am Kerstin Peters, artist, art and German instructor. I am German but have lived for almost 30 years in Ottawa, Canada. I am a Live/In-Person Content Personality.

    At the end of May, I leave for my longest vacation so far, a five-week trip…Read More

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  • – PSA – I Have a Love/Hate Relationship w/ Stage Hypnosis
    – I hate when a stage hypnotist uses the model and myth that they take control someone’s mind.
    – The truth is I can’t snap my fingers and make people do anything I want. If I could I would be on a yacht in the south of France. And yet, the myth is so strong, that I’ve had people run a…Read More

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    • “And yet I love….” is distracting to me as a reader because it makes me do a 180 degree turn.
      Instead, why not stay and drill down your point, “The truth is…. What’s really happening during hypnosis is….imagination, different version, playing hooky from customary behaviors, superpower…” (lovely stuff). I appreciate the stage = it’s…Read More

    • JoelElfman, I love your example of the work you do with your clients compared to the entertainment show you see on a stage.

    • I enjoyed your take on what’s real/illusion as I’d expect that’s the general hangup for people. I absolutely get your love for what you do…I think perhaps add a bit more on that counter side so it’s not about trying to sound convincing – but why the misunderstandings really peeve you off. Again, well written, but I’m not feeling the…I guess…Read More

    • Love it! The Lara Croft bit was the part that “really took me there.” It painted a picture in my mind, and it will be the part that will resonate with me throughout the day. 🙂

  • It has been fun to read all the PSAs….. I am still not sure which way to look at it.
    Thinking of :
    PSA – any travel advisor who says they can book “anything” isn’t a good travel advisor!
    As a travel advisor, I have ACCESS to book anything.
    That doesn’t mean I SHOULD book anything. Travel is very individualized and innately knowing the…Read More

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    • The opening hook, isn’t grabbing me. Go bolder, “A travel advisor who says they can book anything, might as well point you at Expedia”, or just try a different headline. “Is your travel advisor, a generalist or a specialist”. That gets me curious about what a specialist is. A good travel advisor is what? going to save you time, money, &/or create…Read More

    • Great outline Amy! I’m thinking a bolder intro – perhaps something like – has your travel advisor ever even traveled? And maybe a bit more detail about how the average person is being misled when making travel arrangements. You clearly make it a more personal/connection – taking the time to get to know them, and I’m sure not many actually do that.…Read More

    • Great job, Amy!! Love your stance, and great other feedback. I immediately thought about drumming up an image of the “magic” of travel as an opening statement…. What makes travel magical? As a travel agent, you have a finger on that pulse, I really don’t, but when I’ve booked with an agent vs on my own, I’ve found my travel to be richer. My…Read More

  • Hello! My PSA draft I below….I’m nervous even posting it here! I have many friends who are either therapists or who have attended therapy for years (just like me…I went to therapy for 20 years), and putting this on MY social will rock some boats…but that’s what I’m here for!!! Here goes….

    “Talk therapy SUCKS at solving your problems.…Read More

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    • Well I totally agree with your hook statement —

    • Jessica I’ll read the rest later, but like Amy says, YOUR HOOK ROOOOOCCCCCKKKKKKSSSSSS!!!!!!

    • Hi Jessica, do you have a specific client example that you can include to illustrate/show proof? Would love to see it! Or if using your general example of public speaking, I was wondering, “How?” … would hypnosis help me move past it whereas talk therapy doesn’t?

      • Thanks for the feedback, Nancy… super helpful. I believe you’re saying that while my example explains the process of hypnosis, it doesn’t support my hook statement, and that really needs supporting…did I get that right??

        • You’re welcome, Jessica! To clarify, an actual and specific (vs. general) example of a real client of yours (working on any issue, including public speaking) would lend stronger social proof and impact, vs. the general reference to public speaking that you offer here. E.g., “Helping my client, Kim, with her anxiety around public speaking,..”…Read More

          • Thanks, Nancy. About 80% of my clients are in talk therapy currently, and hypnosis works great in tandem. I am not really looking to draw them away from therapy, I just don’t think it gets the job done 100%. I love the thought about using a more specific example.

    • Hi Jessica, lots of good stuff in here. If you don’t want to take on all the therapists you know, consider qualifying your statement “Talk therapy often SUCKS at solving your problems.”
      -you could make it about you. “Talk therapy sucked at solving my problems”.
      -Or a mixed alternative might be “Talk therapy sucked at solving my problems. How about…Read More

    • Jumping right into Shift Hypnosis feels a bit like a sales pitch. I might give the benefits, and then name it later.

      • Thanks, Joel. Shift Hypnosis is the name of my business. It’s endorsed by a prestigious marketing firm as a “good name”, and I’ve already purchased logo, url, etc. That part is here to stay.

        • Great! I remember it as an issue a while ago, but I haven’t heard a lot about it lately. A big firm did the research, and you’ve bought it. Those are good things.

    • Here is a thought that may be a bit controversial. In terms of naming things, used to be some people advocate against words that sound similar to a negative word. “Discuss” for some can sound similar to “disgust”, “shift” has some potential for risk in this arena. How much of an issue this truly is, Maybe it’s nothing. I have no idea. I would be…Read More

    • Whoa! I felt that intro – a nice gut punch and I like it. Very well written, I’m clear on your stance though I’d love more clarity (or more detail) around your method – or more about the shift process of a client’s experience. You come out with a knock out and then it gets soft around the area that lets me know why I shouldn’t bother with talk…Read More

    • The latter part, talking about what you do is good, but for me, perhaps too generic. I’m not sure, fully how to describe what I’m looking for. So, please forgive me, I’m going to write my version of what I would say, and hopefully, that will spark some ideas.
      “Don’t worry, there is an answer.
      The way to break free is to put your brain where y…Read More

  • – PSA – 2nd draft- I Have a Love/Hate Relationship w/ Stage Hypnosis
    – I hate when a stage hypnotist uses the model and myth that they take control someone’s mind.
    – The truth is I can’t snap my fingers and make people do anything I want. If I could I would be on a yacht in the south of France. And yet, the myth is so strong, that I’ve had p…Read More

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