• Hi lovelies!
    I am working on my vision statement. I am working off of my Universal Truth: Embracing your emotional relationship with food heals your mind, body and soul.

    The Mission:
    We believe creating awareness around your (a, the?) relationship with food can heal the world.

    I am struggling with ” your, a, the” also is “the world” too broad?

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    • I would keep it ‘your’. What you do is very personal.
      How does our relationship with food help heal the world? It is too broad the way it is written now. Why is this important?

    • I agree with Amy, if your vision is around the “your” your mission should be too. (“Embracing your…” and creating awareness around you…”) It’s more personal. I also don’t think world here is too broad. If one person at a time can be healed / have awarenesss around food then essentially you’re healing the world, just one person at a time 🙂

    • I would leave the “your” but I am not clear how the personal awareness about food is healing the world.

  • Is there a way to friend the whole group?I can’t seem to tag anyone?

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    • Hi Amy! We are working on tagging and trying to get it set up so we can tag the name. Right now it is tagged by email address – which is not so helpful.

  • My Industry Myths….Do my facts make sense?
    Myth: If you could just eat less and exercise more it would solve all your body blues!

    Let me clarify; I say ‘blues” because it’s time we stop saying our body has a “problem” or is “broken”

    Fact: Our thoughts are the strongest part of our body system. When your thoughts are about how you are b…Read More

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  • Profile picture of Amy Civica

    Amy Civica changed their profile picture

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