• Profile picture of JoelElfman


    2 years, 9 months ago

    – PSA – I Have a Love/Hate Relationship w/ Stage Hypnosis
    – I hate when a stage hypnotist uses the model and myth that they take control someone’s mind.
    – The truth is I can’t snap my fingers and make people do anything I want. If I could I would be on a yacht in the south of France. And yet, the myth is so strong, that I’ve had people run away, when they learned I’m a hypnotist.
    – And yet, I love that stage hypnosis really shows how powerfully people can stretch their imagination, and step into a wildly different version of themselves.
    – The truth is hypnosis effects the part of our brain that governs some of your customary behaviors. It’s like your brain is playing hooky, and your creativity and imagination becomes a superpower. And all your dearest beliefs and values still govern.
    In stage hypnosis, that person, up there, on stage, has agreed to act goofy whether it is for entertainment, or their own personal beliefs. And yet, there may be suggestions they choose not to follow.
    An example comes to mind of a woman who had strong religious objections to dancing, and when instructed to dance on stage, she flat out refused. And when the hypnotist kept on pushing, she came completely out of trance, and walked off stage.
    – When we peer behind the illusion of control, we find a stage hypnotist often has sorted the audience, to find individuals that will most dramatically follow his/her suggestions. And during the act the stage hypnotist is always observing his volunteers. And if he notices the beginnings of some hesitation on any person’s part, he often chooses to leave them alone, so it doesn’t spoil the illusion. Perhaps, you’ve noticed some of them on stage, the people props, in a relaxed trance, doing nothing.
    – What hypnosis looks like and how they are supposed to feel & act if someone went to a hypnotist for a personal session, is quite different from the zombie version of trance that happens on stage.
    – The truth is trance is a beautiful natural state, that allows you to experience a different way of focusing your attention and thinking, that can help you make positive change with a body of scientific research behind how the brain & hypnosis works, and how it affects people.
    – I believe hypnosis is most powerful, when it is a collaboration between me & a client. And then we begin to explore how to think differently. Change is always at the pace and speed of the client. And I always check in with the client, so change is done in a way that is healthy, ecological, appropriate and resilient for the client, their goals and dreams.
    I remember, a hypnosis client wanted to demo kick-ass confidence when interviewing for a sales position the next day. Talking them into a trance (less than a zombie, more like a daydream), I invited them to imagine the strong feeling of confidence they wanted, but, they couldn’t quite get there. So, I asked a different question, “Can they imagine a role model who had that kick-ass level of confidence they wanted?”. After thinking for a while, out popped, “Lara Croft, Tomb Raider”, the action heroine.
    I smiled at their unconscious’ brilliant answer, and had them imagine stepping into the shoes of Lara Croft, and really taking on that deep level of confidence. We practiced strengthening the feeling, and practiced having them imagine handling the interview as Lara Croft until it locked solidly in place. The next day, they aced the interview and got the job. And thanked me for the session and my help.

    If you want to talk more about the possibilities, of what hypnosis can do for you, I invite you to schedule a discovery call.

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    • “And yet I love….” is distracting to me as a reader because it makes me do a 180 degree turn.
      Instead, why not stay and drill down your point, “The truth is…. What’s really happening during hypnosis is….imagination, different version, playing hooky from customary behaviors, superpower…” (lovely stuff). I appreciate the stage = it’s about trance for the show; private session = organic, customized, collaborative, the magic of the natural, personal trance. Great example re: Lara Croft; so what magic happened there that any prospect might experience? Sounds like hypnosis helps me tap into my unconscious (vs. subconscious or intuition?) for ideas that can help me?

    • JoelElfman, I love your example of the work you do with your clients compared to the entertainment show you see on a stage.

    • I enjoyed your take on what’s real/illusion as I’d expect that’s the general hangup for people. I absolutely get your love for what you do…I think perhaps add a bit more on that counter side so it’s not about trying to sound convincing – but why the misunderstandings really peeve you off. Again, well written, but I’m not feeling the…I guess fire in the belly – the “hate” yet I truly get your “love”. Hope that makes sense Joel!!! 🙂

    • Love it! The Lara Croft bit was the part that “really took me there.” It painted a picture in my mind, and it will be the part that will resonate with me throughout the day. 🙂



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