• Profile picture of JoelElfman


    1 year ago

    Here is a new video, I made. It was shot before Ask Me Anything. But I am putting a link to it in the comments of my Ask Me Anything vid. https://www.facebook.com/joel.elfman1/videos/1366883367229324

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    • Hey there Joel. Once again, this is great snipped content for showing your expertise, but you are not getting the full effect of Ask Me Anything content – which is to get people to ASK YOU QUESTIONS. 🙂

      • Hi Shannon,

        Again, my apologies for my lack of clarity, this video was shot pre-Ask-Me-Anything and not meant to use that format. I posted it here, to show I was getting things out the door using my CP type. I will certainly consider doing something similar using the Ask-Me-Anything format. And I will sit for a little bit, and ponder any questions of how to convert either video into the Ask-Me-Anything format. Thank you as always for your feedback and insights.



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