• If you published your content from this month on Social Media – share the link here! I am looking for some examples to share on my profile 💜

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    • I am getting close. Probably Monday as the email will go out Tuesday. I will try to remember to circle back around to this 🙂

  • 4 Emails – book a call — Would love your feedback pls!!! (my ideal clients wants to go from overworked, underpaid business owner -Chief Everything Officer — to a well paid CEO of a well running business machine.) Here you go…..

    1) HOOK/SUBJECT line: Working 24/7 and still feel broke?

    Preview: let’s chat

    Hello first name

    I see y…Read More

    • I am pushing you here… working 24/7, hustling on weekends & evenings and yet despite being overworked, you still feel broke – does not bridge over well to #2: Your marketing and content doesn’t position your solution as the BEST solution for your audience.

      I know you have better ones to choose from that will speak to the overworked/under p…Read More

    • Love Email 2 and 4! For Email 3 I feel like there are 2 opening sentences. Maybe just pick one sentence and focus on what their want is which they don’t have. Like “If you’re not feeling like you know exactly what to do and all your juggling balls are in a line, it may because you’re spending too much time on non-revenue generating activities”.…Read More

  • Reminder… if you have not done the 6 types of messaging you need in your ecosystem or the psychology of messaging, please add your name to the list to join us tomorrow:

    How to Become an In Demand Brand

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    • Bummed I missed this, I was at another event. But looking forward to watching the replay.

  • If you have not gone over the psychology of messaging and/or the 6 pieces of your messaging ecosystem, please join us Aug 15th for a lead gen event. You need to register to get the workbook and zoom:

    How to Become an In Demand Brand

    PS, this is our community giveback for the summer. If you have business besties you want to…Read More

  • Who is excited for our new theme this month? See you all on Wed at Noon ET!!

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