• We can’t wait to see how your messaging has been working. Feel free to share links to your newsletter or social so we can celebrate with you. This content doesn’t just have to live in your nurture sequence. We will review anyone who needs their work reviewed on Wed and work in groups. If you missed last Wednesday’s session, please watch before…Read More

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  • Will you invite friends to the May 22 email marketing workshop? Here is something you can use:

    I have been working on my email marketing strategy and would love for you to join me with my email marketing mentors, Shannon and Amy, on May 22nd. They will be mapping out the 4 steps of your organic Joy Fueled™ Marketing Plan. This plan has helped…Read More

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  • Here’s my first draft — entitled: The CEO who cleaned toilets

    There once was a business owner who thought she was a CEO.

    She owned a retail store where she did everything…

    from bookkeeping, purchasing, selling, making displays, hiring, firing –She even cleaned the toilets!! She was exhausted trying to do everything herself even tho…Read More

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    • I think this is mostly there overall – I just want to ask – (because I am learning) is the ‘thought reversal’ clear enough? You USED to be the CEO and then needed to focus on your daughter and to your SURPRISE – the business grew – but WHY & HOW – I “think” needs to be addressed – so people can understand how you can help them.

    • what is WLPM? I think you need to just say it – work less, profit more because you are diving into another acronym with GROW.

    • Can you tie this back to toilets? After all, you started your business for freedom, even if you are not the one currently cleaning the toilets like I was! Let’s partner together and build your self-running business engine.

    • such an impactful story

  • Have a great couple of weeks and I will be back for week 3. Don’t forget to go to the calendar to get the codes to register for the newsletter workshop March 20 and Lead Magnet workshop in April for free. ❤️

    Remember if you post content on the wall, go to the two below your post and read. Ask curious questions if you don’t feel clear when…Read More

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  • Revision 01-
    Thank you to everyone for your wonderful feedback. Please keep it coming.
    If anyone has preferences for the top 4, please let me know.

    This idea comes from somatic movement – 1st you have to yield (relax) to gather your resources and push/stretch to an action or goal

    Topic- Stress & tension limit your ability to move…Read More

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    1 Comment
    • @bodymindhypnoticgmail-com 1, 3, 4, and 5 are compelling to me. They seem to be a different angle than what I hear around these topics. and I know you going in depth on each of these and shedding light will make them even more powerful!

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Stephanie Steyer
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Amy Civica