4 Emails – book a call — Would love your feedback pls!!! (my ideal clients wants to go from overworked, underpaid business owner -Chief Everything Officer — to a well paid CEO of a well running business machine.) Here you go…..
1) HOOK/SUBJECT line: Working 24/7 and still feel broke?
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Hello first name
I see you out there …. working 24/7, hustling on weekends & evenings and yet despite being overworked, you still feel broke!
This may be because it’s difficult to hit your revenue goals with the quantity and quality of the clients you’re currently working with.
There are 2 reasons that this continues to happen:
1. You accept every client that comes to you because you’re think you need the all those sales.
2. Your marketing and content doesn’t position your solution as the BEST solution for your audience.
If you’re ready to go from Overwhelmed Solopreneur to Overjoyed CEO, then it’s time to schedule a Business Breakthrough Session with Diana.
During this call, Diana will ask you a few key questions to pinpoint the gaps in your marketing – and then we show you how to fix them!
2) HOOK/SUBJECT line: Broke and burnt out
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Hello first name
A prospect once asked me if I could make her profitable?
She was working 24/7.
She had a team.
But she was still in debt and broke.I know how difficult it is to price your services so you can be profitable.
There are 2 reasons that this continues to happen:
1. you’re afraid to raise your prices because you might lose clients
2. you might be using an outdated pricing modelIf you’re ready to go from Overwhelmed Solopreneur to Overjoyed CEO, then it’s time to schedule a Business Breakthrough Session with Diana.
During this call, I will ask you a few key questions to pinpoint the gaps in your pricing model – and then I will show you how to fix them!
PS. Listen to how this lawyer went from Overwhelmed to Overjoyed in her business.
3) HOOK/SUBJECT line: The juggler and the bottleneck
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Hello first name
I hear from clients all the time that they feel like a juggler with too many balls in the air that they don’t know what activities to do first.
If you feel like an overworked juggler, then it might be because you are spending the majority of your time on non-revenue generating activities
There are 2 reasons that this continues to happen:
1. You can’t see how to get the work done without compromising your business
2. You haven’t created a system for you to FOCUS on the exact revenue generating activities that will move the needle in your business.
If you’re ready to go from Overwhelmed Solopreneur to Overjoyed CEO, then it’s time to schedule a Business Breakthrough Session with Diana.
During this call, Diana will ask you a few key questions to pinpoint the gaps in your business– and then we show you how to fix them so that you free up more of your time while still earning a great profit.
4) HOOK/SUBJECT line: End endless questions from your team
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Hello first name
Wish your team was more efficient, more productive and would stop interrupting you to ask so many questions?
Those interruptions might be an indication that your team doesn’t have the confidence to make decisions on their own.
There are 2 reasons that this continues to happen:
1. they aren’t clear on the big picture of your business
2. they don’t have clear systems and process to followIf you’re ready to go from Overwhelmed to Overjoyed, then it’s time to schedule a Business Breakthrough Session with Diana.
During this call, Diana will ask you a few key questions to pinpoint the gaps in your business– and then we show you how to fix them so that you free up more of your time while still earning a great profit.
PS. If you are ready to go from being an overwhelmed, overworked business owner and would like to become the visionary leader of your business (i.e. stop being Chief Everything Officer and become a true CEO), then, then it’s time to schedule a Business Breakthrough Session with Diana.
Love Email 2 and 4! For Email 3 I feel like there are 2 opening sentences. Maybe just pick one sentence and focus on what their want is which they don’t have. Like “If you’re not feeling like you know exactly what to do and all your juggling balls are in a line, it may because you’re spending too much time on non-revenue generating activities”. Don’t know if that makes sense, but using the sentence to say what they want, rather than what it is they are struggling with.
Keep in touch

Ann Becks


Charlotte Allen

Stephanie Zoernack

Stephanie Steyer
I am pushing you here… working 24/7, hustling on weekends & evenings and yet despite being overworked, you still feel broke – does not bridge over well to #2: Your marketing and content doesn’t position your solution as the BEST solution for your audience.
I know you have better ones to choose from that will speak to the overworked/under paid business owner better.