• If you published your content from this month on Social Media – share the link here! I am looking for some examples to share on my profile 💜

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  • Reminder… if you have not done the 6 types of messaging you need in your ecosystem or the psychology of messaging, please add your name to the list to join us tomorrow:

    How to Become an In Demand Brand

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    • Bummed I missed this, I was at another event. But looking forward to watching the replay.

  • If you have not gone over the psychology of messaging and/or the 6 pieces of your messaging ecosystem, please join us Aug 15th for a lead gen event. You need to register to get the workbook and zoom:

    How to Become an In Demand Brand

    PS, this is our community giveback for the summer. If you have business besties you want to…Read More

  • Who is excited for our new theme this month? See you all on Wed at Noon ET!!

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  • Great work this week, everyone! For those of you who are ready to promote your lead magnet more to grow your list after completing the experiment that we set for you this week… Here are my top 3 themes that you can watch the 1st session and come here to post your draft messaging and get feedback from your community. Remember, when you post here…Read More

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Ann Becks
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Charlotte Allen
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Stephanie Steyer