• Here are my questions:
    What are your life and real estate goals?
    Have you invested in real estate before? If so, please describe your experience.
    Are you familiar with different types of real estate investments (e.g., residential, commercial, multifamily, etc.)?
    What is your risk tolerance when it comes to real estate investments?
    What time frame…Read More

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    • Hey Ann – great start. I think these questions need refined. I’ve added some notes:

      How confident are you in your abilities to achieve your goals: Very confident, somewhat confident, not at all (this is too broad – “goals” – can you please clarify which GOAL you are speaking of?

      What is the biggest hurdle you’re facing that’s preventing you…Read More

  • Updated:
    Transformation: Go from a Debt Worrier to A Debt Warrior

    3 Step process

    Discover: Identify your deepest desires that will transform your relationship with money, so that you can create financial freedom for yourself.

    Organize: Build a solid foundation, so that you can FREE up money each month while letting go of feelings of…Read More

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  • I went live and shared my core beliefs/values. https://www.facebook.com/100000178213071/videos/528716102655736/

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  • Here are my core values. All input welcomed 🙂

    Freedom: I believe those in the military and veteran community deserve a life of financial peace and prosperity.

    Integrity: I believe everyone is entitled to ethical education that provides a solid foundation for financial success. I practice what I preach and only teach skills and strategies…Read More

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    • BOOM. LOVE THESE. Congrats!

    • Can you shorten the Integrity statement? Maybe something like this: I believe in delivering honest and powerful programs that are proven to boost your finances. I will never promote get-rich-quick schemes.

    • I like these, and agree that Integrity could be shortened just a bit.

      Integrity: I believe everyone is entitled to an education that provides a solid foundation for financial success. Ethics and proven strategies form my curriculum.

  • I shared my commitment statement today. Every Wednesday in a FB business group for military women, they allow us to post about our business. Here’s what I wrote: “As a Certified Financial Coach, I’m committed to helping my fellow women veterans take command of THEIR finances so they can live THIER life of freedom they’ve fought for and deserve.…Read More

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